Tydi O Dduw a wnaeth/wneist y byd

("Pwy a greodd y rhai hyn?")
Tydi, O Dduw, a wnaeth y byd,
Yr Haul a'r nefol gyrff i gyd,
  A'r holl gre'digaeth helaeth hardd;
Dy gadarn fraich a geidw'r ne',
A'i chyrff, yn lluoedd yn eu lle;
  A'u hagwedd dêg o'th
      law a dardd.

Mae'r ddaear faith a'r nefoedd fry,
Yn nghyda lluoedd uffern ddu
  Dan dy lywodraeth far i gyd;
Dy fys a dry yr wybren draw,
A'i disglaer lu - a'th ddwyfol law
  A gynnal byth
      golofnau'r byd.

              - - - - -

Tydi, O Dduw, a wnaeth y byd,
Yr Haul a'r nefol gyrff i gyd,
  A'r holl gre'digaeth helaeth hardd;
Dy gadarn fraich a geidw'r ne',
A'i chyrff, yn lluoedd yn eu lle;
  A'u hagwedd dêg o'th law a dardd.

O'th fwynder cu yr y'm yn cael
Ein cymmorth oll a'n lluniaeth hael,
  A'n trugareddau o bob rhyw;
Ein iechyd, nerth, a'n synwyr sydd,
Oddiwrthyt Ti bob nos a dydd,
  Ac ynot Ti y'm bawb yn byw.

Ond O! mor rhyfedd ydyw gwaith,
Dy gariad mawr, a'th dostur maith,
  Yn iechydwriaeth enaid dyn!
I wared dyn, oedd elyn Duw,
Rhag uffern gaeth, yr Iesu gwiw,
  I angau'r groes a'i rhoes ei hun.
wnaeth :: wneist

Benjamin Francis 1734-99

Tôn [888D]: Orleans (<1876)

gwelir: Clodforwn di ar beraidd dôn

("Who is it who created these?")
Thou, O God, who hast made the world,
The Sun and all the heavenly bodies,
  And all the beautiful extensive creation;
Thy firm arm keeps heaven,
And its bodies, as hosts in their place;
  And their fair aspect which
      issues from thy hand.

The wide earth and the heavens above,
Together with the hosts of black hell are
  All under thy great governance;
Thy finger does turn yonder sky,
And its shining host, - and thy divine hand
  Does ever support
      the pillars of the world.

                 - - - - -

Thou, O God, who hast made the world,
The Sun and all the heavenly bodies,
  And all the beautiful extensive creation;
Thy firm arm keeps heaven,
And its bodies, as hosts in their place;
  And their fair aspect which
      issues from thy hand.

From thy dear tenderness we are getting
All our help and our generous provision,
  And our mercies of every kind;
Our health, strength, and our sense is,
From thee every night and day,
  And in thee we are all living.

But, O how wonderful is the work
Of thy great love, and thy vast mercy,
  In the salvation of the soul of man!
To deliver man, who was an enemy of God,
From captive hell, the worthy Jesus,
  To the death of the cross, gave himself.

tr. 2013,22 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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