Tydi O Arglwydd yw'r gwir Dduw, A thyna pa'm 'ry'm ni yn fyw; Fe saif dy eiriau oll i gyd, Serch damnio miloedd maith o'r byd. Ni dd'wedaist ond y gwir erioed, Wrth bob pechadur īs y rhod; Dy addewidion saif i gyd, Pan byddo'r tān yn llosgi'r byd. Mae'th holl fygythion a dy ŷg, Yn ddigyfnewid i'r rhai drwg; A'th addewidion ydynt wir, Y dygi'th saint o'r anial dir.Azariah Shadrach 1774-1844 [Mesur: MH 8888] |
Thou O Lord art the true God, And that is why we are alive; Thy words shall all stand, Despite the damning of vast thousands from the world. Thou didst only ever say the truth, To every sinner under the sky; All thy promised shall stand, When the fire is burning the world. All thy threats and thy frown, are Unchangeable to the evil ones; And thy promises are true, Leading thy saints from the desert land.tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion |