Tydi O Dduw sy'n berchen hawl

(Moli enw'r Ion)
Tydi, O Dduw, sy'n berchen hawl
  I'n didwyll fawl gawstadol:
Ond O! mor fuan mae'n llesgâu
  Ar ein tafodau dynol!

A raid in' adael hyn o waith
  I'r lluoedd perffaith gwiwlan?
Y mawl sy'n deilwng iawn i ti,
  Ni allwn ni mo'i ddatgan.

Er cynyg moli enw'r Ion,
  Ac arfer mawrion eiriau,
Rhy weigion ŷm o ysbryd byw,
  Ac oerion yw'n serchiadau.

Ond O! pa bryd y profwn les
  Nefolaidd wres na oera?
Pan lyncir enway gwaelion llawr
  Yn enw mawr Jehofa!
Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844

Tôn [MS 8787]: Dyfrdwy (John Jeffreys 1718-98)

(Praising the name of the Lord)
To Thee, O God, belongs the right
  To our sincere, constant praise:
But O, how soon it grows feeble
  On our human tongues!

And must we work such as this
  To the perfect, worthy, holy hosts?
The praise which is very fitting for thee,
  We are not able to express.

Although offering praise to the Lord's name,
  And the use of great words,
Too empty we are of a living spirit,
  And cold are our affections.

But oh, when shall we experience the benefit
  Of heavenly warmth that will not cool?
When base names are swallowed down
  In the great name of Jehovah!
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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