Tydi yr hwn breswyli

(Dydd Gwyl Sant Ioan Efengylwr)
Tydi yr hwn breswyli
  Y tragwyddoldeb mawr,
O anfon nef oleuni
  I'th Eglwys ar y llawr -
Goleuni dy ddoethineb
  I gafarwyddo'i gwaith,
Goleuni gwedd dy wyneb
  Yn gysur ar ei thaith.

Moes in' oleuni'th gariad,
  A phur sancteiddrwydd glân,
I nefoleiddio'n teimlad,
  Ac i wresogi'n cân,
Nes byddo i'th Eglwys gyfan,
  Pan ddelo gofid trist,
Gael gorphwys megys Ioan
  Ar fynwes Iesu Grist.

O am gael nes cymdeithas
  A'r Tad a'r Mab trwy ffydd,
Ac ymarweddiad addas
  I deyrnas nef bob dydd;
Gan rodio mewn goleuni
  Trwy leidiog lwybrau byd,
A gwaed yn Oen yn golchi
  Ein beiau oll i gyd.

Goleuni y gwirionedd
  O gam i gam fel hyn
A'n harwain yn y diwedd
  I sanctaidd Sïon fryn,
Lle mae goleuni bywyd
  Tragwyddol byth mewn hoen
Yn taenu môr wynfyd
  O wyneb Duw a'r Oen.
Hymnau yr Eglwys 1892/1921

Tôn [7676D]: Munich (Neuvermehrtes Gesangbuch 1693)

(The Festival of Saint John the Evangelist)
Thou art he who dost inhabit
  The great eternity,
O send a heaven of light
  To thy Church on the earth -
The light of thy wisdom
  To instruct her work,
The light of the countenance of thy face
  As a comfort on her journey.

Give us the light of thy love,
  And pure, clean holiness,
To make our feeling heavenly,
  And to warm our song,
Until thy whole Church be,
  Whenever sad grief come,
Getting rest like John
  On the bosom of Jesus Christ.

O to get closer fellowship
  With the Father and the Son through faith,
And conduct worthy
  Of the kingdom of heaven every day;
While walking in light
  Through the miry paths of the world,
And the blood of the Lamb washing
  All our faults altogether.

The light of the truth
  From step to step thus
Shall lead us to the end
  To holy Zion hill,
Where is the light of life
  Eternally forever in joy
Spreading a sea of bliss
  From the face o God and the Lamb.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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