Tyrd Ysbryd Sanctaidd oddi fry (Gwna ein calonnau iti'n dŷ)

Tyrd Ysbryd, Sanctaidd, oddi fry,
Gwna ein calonnau iti'n dŷ
  Â'th ras cysegra ni bob un
  Yn fywiol deml i ti dy hun.

Rho in dywalltiad helaeth iawn
O nefol rin dy ddwyfol ddawn;
  Doethineb, nerth, goleuni clir,
  Llawn hyder ffydd,
      a charad gwir.

O rho dy fendith ar dy waith,
A rho dy wyneb ar ein taith,
  Nes uno gyda'r sanctaidd lu,
  I'th foli byth
      mewn gwynfyd fry.

I'r Drindod sanctaidd ddiwahân,
Y Tad, a'r Mab,
    a'r Ysbryd glân,
  Rhown glodydd gwiw,
      ag uchel lef,
  Ein dyled yw ei ganmol ef.
William Lewis (Gwilym Berw) 1845-1917

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Angelus (Heilige Seelenlust 1657)
Deep Harmony (Handel Parker 1854-1928)

Come, Holy Spirit, from above,
Make our hearts a house for thee;
  With thy grace consecrate us every one
  As a lively temple for thee thyself.

Give us a very generous outpouring
Of the heavenly merit of thy divine gift;
  Wisdom, strength, clear light,
  The full confidence of faith,
      and true love.

O give thy blessing on thy work,
And give thy countenance upon our journey,
  Until uniting with the sacred host,
  To praise thee forever
      in blessedness above.

To the sacred undivided Trinity,
The Father, and the Son,
    and the Holy Spirit,
  Let us give worthy praises,
      with a loud cry,
  Our duty is to extol him.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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