Tyr'd Ysbryd sanctaidd ledia'r ffordd

1,2,3;  1,2,(4,5);  1,2,5,6,7,8.
(Yr Ysbyrd yn Arweinydd)
Tyr'd Ysbryd sanctaidd, ledia'r ffordd
  Bydd i mi'n niwl a thân;
Ni cherdda i'n gywir hanner cam,
  Oni byddi o fy mlaen.

Mi wyraf weithiau ar y dde',
  Ac ar yr aswy law;
Am hynny arwain gam a cham,
  Fi i'r baradwys draw.

Dod yn fy ngenau fawl ar g'oedd,
  Ac yn fy ysbryd dân;
Ac yn mheryglon anial dir,
  Erfyniau pur a chân.

Mae hiraeth arnaf am y wlad
  Lle mae torfeydd di-ri'
Yn canu'r anthem i barhau
  Am angeu Calfari!

Ddiffygia'i ddim
    er c'yd fy nhaith
  Tra paro gras y ne';
Ac er lleied yw fy ngrym
  Mae digon ynddo fe.

Mae'r iachawdwriaeth fel y môr,
  Yn chwyddo byth i'r lann:
Mae yma ddigon, digon byth,
  I'r truan ac i'r gwan.

'Does yma eisiau byth yn bod,
  Trysorau gras yn llawn;
Er maint
    yw'r yfed a'r glanhau,
  O fore hyd brydnawn.

'Dai 'mofyn haeddiant byth,
    na nerth,
  Na ffafr neb na'i hedd,
Ond hwnnw'n unig gwyd fy llwch,
  Yn fyw i'r lann o'r bedd.
hiraeth arnaf :: arnaf hiraeth
c'yd fy nhaith :: c'yd y daith
ynddo fe :: ynddo Ef

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Bangor (William Tans'ur 1706-83)
Boulcote (<1875)
Burford (Henry Purcell 1658-95)
Canton (alaw Gymreig)
Farrant (Richard Farrant 1530-80)
French (The CL Psalmes of David 1615)
Milbourn Port (<1829)

  'Da'i 'mofyn haeddiant fyth na nerth
  Darfydded son am bleser mwy
  Mae 'ngolwg acw tua'r wlad
  Mae'r iachawdwriaeth fel y môr
  Pererin wyf mewn anial dir (Yn crwydro ...)

(The Spirit as Guide)
Come Holy Spirit, widen the way
  Be to me as cloud and fire;
I shall not walk half a step aright,
  Unless thou be before me.

I deviate sometimes to the right,
  And to the left hand;
There for lead step by step,
  Me to the paradise yonder.

Put in my mouth praise publicly,
  And my spirit fire;
And in the dangers of a desert land,
  Pure petitions and a song.

I have a longing for the land
  Where multitudes without number are
Singing the anthem to continue
  About the death of Calvary!

I shall not faint
    despite the length of my journey
  While the grace of heaven endures;
And despite how small is my strength
  There is sufficient in him.

The salvation is like the sea,
  Surging ever towards the shore:
Here is sufficient, sufficient forever,
  For the pitiful and for the weak.

There is never here any want,
  Of treasures of grace in full;
Despite how great
    is the drinking and the cleansing,
  From morning until afternoon.

I am never going to ask for merit,
    nor strength,
  Nor favour from anyone nor their peace,
None but he alone shall raise my dust,
  Alive up from the grave.
the length of my journey :: the length of the journey

tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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