Tyred Ysbryd yr addewid
Tyred Yspryd yr addewid

Tyred, Ysbryd yr addewid!
  O'r uchelder pur i lawr,
Yn dy ddoniau cadwedigol,
  Er ail-eni tyrfa fawr;
Rhwyga'r nef yn awr, a disgyn
  Ar bob oedran heb wahân,
Llanw'r byd a'r eglwys hefyd
  Âg effeithiau'r dwyfol dân.

Gweithia'n rymus ar eneidiau,
  Galw filoedd i dy dŷ;
Gwawried bellach ar y ddaear
  Hyfryd ddyddiau Jubili;
Chwythed y deheuwynt nefol
  Nes adfywio pawb i gyd,
Fel bo rhinwedd a sancteiddrwydd
  Yn teyrnasu dros y byd.
Er ail eni :: I ddwysbigo
'r nef yn awr :: 'r nefoedd fry
filoedd i dy :: fyrdd yn awr i'th

D Silvan Evans (Daniel Las) 1818-1903

Tôn [8787D]:
Diniweidrwydd (alaw Gymreig)
Gwalia (alaw Gymreig)
Hannah (<1875)
Llansannan (alaw Gymreig)
Tanycastell (J Jones 1796-1857)
Tanymarian (E Stephen 1822-85)

Come, Spirit of the promise!
  From the pure height down,
In thy saving gifts,
  That the great multitude be reborn;
Rend heaven now, and descend
  On every age without distinction,
Flood the world and the church also
  With the effects of the heavenly fire.

Work forcefully on souls,
  Call thousands to thy house;
Henceforth let dawn on the earth
  The lovely days of Jubilee;
Let the heavenly southern wind blow
  Until all are revived altogether,
Thus may there be virtue and holiness
  Reigning across the world.
That ... be reborn :: To convict
heaven now :: the heavens above
thousands to thy :: a myriad now to thy

tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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