Tyred Arglwydd tyr'd yn fuan (Dim ni'm boddia dàn y ne')

(Ymostwng i benarglwyddiaeth Duw)
Tyred, Arglwydd, tyr'd yn fuan,
   Dim ni'm boddia dàn y ne',
Dim ond ti a ddeil fy ysbryd
  Gwan, lluddedig, yn ei le;
Neb ond ti a gwyd fy enaid
  Llesg o'r pydew du i'r làn;
Os tydi sy'n gwneyd im ochain,
  Ti'm gwnan llawen yn y màn.

Hŵyl fy enaid
    sy wrth d'ewyllys,
  Fel y mynot mae yn bôd
Oll o mewn, ac oll oddi allan,
  Ddigwydd imi îs y rhôd:
'Nawr ti'm codi i'r làn i'r nefoedd,
  Eilwaith ti'm gostyngi i lawr;
Mae dy gerydd a dy gariad
  Im' yr un rhyfeddod fawr.

Tyr'd, rho gerydd im', neu gariad,
  Yr un fynech ti dy hun;
Ond trwy'r cwbl cadw f'ysbryd
  Yn sefydlog wrth dy glun : 
Dros y bryniau gwna i mi gerdded 
  Tuag adre'n ddi-nacâd, 
Heb yn unlle i mi edrych
  Ond ar degwch
      tŷ fy Nhad.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [8787D]:
Bohemia (Darmstädter Gesangbuch 1698)
Diniweidrwydd (alaw Gymreig)
Edinburgh (alaw Gymreig)
Eifionydd (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)

(Submission to the overlordship of God)
Come, Lord, come quickly,
  Nothing shall drown me under heaven,
Nothing but thou shall hold my weak,
  Exhausted spirit, in its place;
No-one but thou shall raise my fainting
  Soul up from the black pit;
If it is thou who makest me groan,
  Thou shalt make me joyful soon.

The mood of my soul
    is subject to thy will,
  As thou wilt, so it be
All from within, and all from without,
  Which happens to me under the sky:
Now wilt lift me up to the heavens,
  Again thou wilt bring me down;
Thy rebuke and my love are
  To me the same great wonder.

Come, give a rebuke to me, or love,
  The same as thou thyself wilt;
But through the whole preserve my spirit
  Fixed by the thigh:
Over the the hills make me walk
  Towards home inexhaustable,
Without anywhere for me to look
  But on the fairness
      of my Father's house.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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