Un llais un sŵn un enw pur

1,2,3;  1,4,5;  1,6,7.
Un llais, un sŵn, un enw pur,
O'r gogledd fo i'r dwyrain dir, 
  O fôr i fôr, o gylch y byd,
  Sef enw Iesu oll i gyd.

Darfydded son yn mhob rhyw fan
Am ddoniau mawr a doniau gwan: 
  Darfydded enwau pob rhyw ddyn:
  Aed oll yn ddim ond ti dy hun.

Na foed gan un pererin mwy
Ganiadau am ddim ond marwol glwy';
  Pan y teyrnasa'i Ysbryd ef,
  Y ddaear dywyll dry yn nef. 

O! tyrd ar frys, Iachawdwr mawr,
Disgyned d'Ysbryd yma i lawr,
  Gwna i'r torfeydd
      a brynodd gwaed
      tua'r hyfryd wlad: -

Cyd-fyn'd o hyd, dan ganu 'mlaen,
    yn y dŵr a'r tân,
  Cyd-gario'r groes,
  A chyd-alaru dan bob gwae.

O deued dydd yr India i ben,
I wel'd yr hwn fu ar y pren;
  A ninnau'n un, yn un â hwy,
  Yn canu am ei farwol glwy'.

Amen, amen, boed môr a thir
Mewn perffaith hedd, mewn cariad gwir,
  Heb ganddynt bleser o un rhyw,
  Ond caru'n Iesu mawr a'n Duw.
O'r gogledd fo i'r dwyrain :: O'r deau/deheu fo i'r gogledd
ti dy hun :: Iesu'i hun

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Admiration (<1835)
Ernan (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
Lledrod (Cas. Ieuan Gwyllt 1859)

  Dal fi fy Nuw dal fi i'r làn
  Dowch addewidion dowch yn awr
  Duw tyrd â'th saint o dan y ne
  O Deued dydd yr India i ben
  O tyrd ar frys Iachawdwr mawr

One voice, one sound, one pure name,
Be from the north to the eastern land,
  From sea to sea, around the world,
  That is the name of Jesus all together.

Let mention fade in every kind of place
Of great gifts and weak gifts:
  Let names fade of every kind of person:
  Let all go to nothing but thee thyself.

Let no pilgrim have henceforth
Songs about anything but a mortal wound;
  When his Spirit shall reign,
  The dark earth shall turn to heaven.

O come quickly, great Saviour!
May thy Spirit descend down here,
  Make the multitudes
      which the blood bought
  Walk together
      towards the pleasant land: -

Go together always, while singing onwards,
Suffering together
    in the water and the fire,
  Carrying the cross together,
      rejoicing together,
  And mourning together under every woe.

O may the day of India come to pass,
To see him who was on the tree;
  And we too as one, as one with them,
  Sing about his mortal wound.

Amen, Amen! - let sea and land be
In perfect peace, in perfect love,
  Without having pleasure of any kind
  But loving our great Jesus and our God.
Be from the north to the eastern :: Be from the south to the eastern
thee thyself :: Jesus himself

tr. 2009,11 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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