Un yw'r Eglwys filwriaethus Yn ei hymdrech ar y llawr, Gyda'r Eglwys orfoleddus Sydd yn dod o'r cystudd mawr; Un yw'r teulu ar y ddaear, Mynych yma'n galon-drist, Un ā'r teulu fry uwch galar, Yng nghymundeb Iesu Grist. Dirgel gorff ein Crist a una Nef a daear yn ein Duw, Tenau len yn awr wahana Rhymngom a'r baradwys wiw; Daw y nef i gyrrau'r ddaear, Hithau sydd ym mhorth y nef, Yn ei mawl i'r Iesu hawddgar Wrth ei allor sanctaidd ef. Disglaer lu'r baradwys nefol, Saint yr oesau ol yn wyn, Gogoneddus feini bywiol Dinas sanctaidd Salem fryn; Croes Calfaria a'u dyrchafodd I oleuni'r orsedd wen, Gwaed y croesbren a'u cymhwysodd I gymanfa'u grasol Ben. Palmwydd buddugoliaeth ddygant Yn eu dwylo, dyrfa lān, Salmau gorfoleddus ganant Heb anghytsain yn y gān; Cerdded garw lwybrau'r anial Yr ŷm ninnau tua'n gwlad, Trwy yr Ysbryd fu'n eu cynnal Ar eu taith i dŷ eu Tad.Arthur Simon Thomas (Anellydd) 1865-1935
Tonau [8787D]: |
One is the Church militant In her struggle below, With the Church triumphant That is coming from the great tribulation; One is the family on the earth, Often here sad-hearted, One with the family above lamentation, In the communion of Jesus Christ. The mystical body of our Christ shall unite Heaven and earth in our God, A thin curtain now separates Us and the worthy paradise; Heaven shall come to the earth's corners, She is the portal of heaven, In her praise to beautiful Jesus By his sacred altar. The radiant host of the heavenly paradise, The saints of the ages all white, The glorious living stones Of the sacred city of Salem hill; The cross of Calvary that was elevated To the light of the white throne, The blood of the wooden cross that qualified them For the assembly of their gracious Head. Palms of victory they bear In their hands, a holy throng, Jubilant psalms they sing With no disharmony in the song; Walking the rough paths of the desert Are we towards our country, Through the Spirit that was supporting them On their journey to their Father's house.tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion |