Unwaith eto rhaid ymadael

(Wrth ymadael)
Unwaith eto rhaid ymadael,
  Daliwn afael yn ein rhan;
Trwy ras Duw cawn
      well cyfeillach,
  Brodyr amlach yn y man;
    Ni raid 'madael, -
  Wedi cwrdd tu fewn i'r llen.

Dy hael fendith cyn ymado,
  Dyro i ni, O ein Duw;
Cael dy ffafr, profi'th gariad,
  Ein dymuniad penaf yw;
    Gwedd dy wyneb, -
  Dyrcha arnom tra fo'm byw.
Caniadau Bethel (Cas. Evan Edwards) 1840

Tôn [8787D]: Bryn Calfaria
    (William Owen 1813-93)

(On departing)
Once again it is necessary to depart
  Let us keep hold of our portion;
Through the grace of God we shall
      have a better friendship,
  More brothers soon;
      No need to depart, -
  Having met within the curtain.

Thy generous blessing before leaving,
  Give to us, O our God;
To get thy favour, to experience thy love,
  Is our chief desire;
    May countenance of thy face, -
  Rise upon us while ever we live.
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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