Udgenwch, weision Duw, Yr udgorn arian mawr, Gan ddwyn i ddynolryw Ragorol newydd 'nawr: Blwyddyn y jubili a ddaeth A rhydd-did cu i'r enaid caeth. Dadgenwch oll ar g'oedd, Dros wyneb daear lās, Ar lawen uchel floedd, Anrhydedd Crist a'i ras: Blwyddyn y jubili a ddaeth A rhydd-did cu i'r enaid caeth. Mae gwaredigiaeth hael, Trwy rinwedd gwaed yr Oen, I bechaduriaid gwael, Sy'n byw dan bwysfawr boen: Blwyddyn y jubili a ddaeth A rhydd-did cu i'r enaid caeth. Trowch, bechaduriaid trīst, Wrth wrando'r 'fengyl fwyn, O'ch cyflwr caeth at Grist; Yn hawdd, 'fe wredy'ch cwyn: Blwyddyn y jubili a ddaeth A rhydd-did cu i'r enaid caeth. Cymmerwch feddiant rhād O'ch etifeddiaeth fawr; A de'wch i dŷ eich Tad Gan lawenychu 'nawr: Blwyddyn y Jiwbili a ddaeth A rhydd-did cu i'r enaid caeth. Eneidiau ofnus, de'wch, Yn rhwydd, at Iesu Grist; Amheuon, ymaith rhowch Daeth cyssur i'r rhai trīst; Daeth blwyddyn fawr y Jubili, I roi trag'wyddol hedd i ni. Datseinied gras ein Duw Trwy bell derfynnau'r byd: A deu'd ei deyrnas wiw Dros ddaear lawr i gyd; Daeth blwyddyn fawr y Jubili, Clodfored pawb ein Arglwydd ni.cyf. Benjamin Francis 1734-99 Diferion y Cyssegr 1804 Emynau Hen a Newydd 1962
Udgenwch, weision Duw, Yr udgorn arian mawr, Gan ddwyn i ddynolryw Ragorol newydd 'nawr: Blwyddyn y jubili a ddaeth A rhyddid cu i enaid caeth. Mae gwaredigiaeth hael, Trwy rinwedd gwaed yr Oen, I gaethion gweinion, gwael, Sy'n byw dan bwysfawr boen: Blwyddyn y jubili a ddaeth A rhyddid cu i enaid caeth. Trowch, bechaduriaid trist, Wrth sain efengyl fwyn, O'ch cyflwr caeth at Grist - Yn awr fe wredy'ch c&373;yn: Blwyddyn y jubili a ddaeth A rhyddid cu i enaid caeth. Datgenwch oll ar goedd, Dros wyneb daear lâs, Ar lawn uchel floedd, Anrhydedd Crist a'i ras: Daeth blwyddyn fawr y jubili, I roi tragwyddol hedd i mi. Aed grym efengyl Crist Yn nerthol trwy bob gwlad; Sain hyfryd gan bob clust Fo'r iachawdwriaeth rad: Blwyddyn y jubili a ddaeth A rhyddid cu i enaid caeth. Ragorol newydd 'nawr :: Newyddion da yn awr
Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844
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Trumpet, ye servants of God, The great silver trumpet, Thus bringing to human-kind Exceptional news now. The year of the Jubilee has brought Dear freedom to the captive soul. Declare ye all publicly, Across the face of blue-green earth, With a joyful, loud shout, The honour of Christ and his grace: The year of jubilee has brought Dear freedom to the captive soul. There is generous deliverance, Through the virtue of the Lamb's blood, For base sinners, Who are living under weighty pain: The year of jubilee has brought Dear freedom to the captive soul. Turn, ye sad sinners, On hearing the soothing gospel, From your captive condition to Christ; Readily, he will hear your complaint: The year of jubilee has brought Dear freedom to the captive soul. Take free possession Of your great inheritance; And come to your Father's house, While rejoicing now; The year of the Jubilee has brought Dear freedom to the captive soul. Ye fearful souls, come, Freely, to Jesus Christ; Doubts put ye away Comfort has come to the sad ones; The year of the Jubilee has come To give eternal peace to us. Let the grace of our God resound Through the distant ends of the world: And let his worthy kingdom come Across all the earth below; The great year of the Jubilee has come, Let everyone extol our Lord.
Trumpet, ye servants of God, The great silver trumpet, Thus bringing to humankind Excellent news now: The year of jubilee has brought Dear freedom to a captive soul. There is generous deliverance, Through the virtue of the Lamb's blood, For abject, weak captives, Who are living under weighty pain: The year of jubilee has brought Dear freedom to a captive soul. Turn, ye sad sinners, At the sound of the soothing gospel From your captive condition to Christ - Now he will hear your plea: The year of jubilee has brought Dear freedom to a captive soul. Declare ye all publicly, Across the face of the blue-green earth, With a full, loud shout, The honour of Christ and his grace: The year of jubilee has come To give eternal peace to me. Let the force of the gospel of Christ go Strongly through every land; The delightful sound to every ear Be the free salvation: The year of jubilee has brought Dear freedom to a captive soul. Excellent news now :: Good news now tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion |
Blow ye the trumpet, blow! The gladly solemn sound Let all the nations know, To earth's remotest bound: The year of jubilee is come! Return, ye ransomed sinners, home. Jesus, our great high priest, Hath full atonement made, Ye weary spirits, rest; Ye mournful souls, be glad: The year of jubilee is come! Return, ye ransomed sinners, home. Extol the Lamb of God, The sin atoning Lamb; Redemption by His blood Throughout the lands proclaim: The year of jubilee is come! Return, ye ransomed sinners, home. Ye slaves of sin and hell, Your liberty receive, And safe in Jesus dwell, And blest in Jesus live: The year of jubilee is come! Return, ye ransomed sinners, home. Ye who have sold for naught Your heritage above Shall have it back unbought, The gift of Jesus' love: The year of jubilee is come! Return, ye ransomed sinners, home. The Gospel trumpet hear, The news of heavenly grace; And saved from earth, appear Before your Saviour's face: The year of jubilee is come! Return, ye ransomed sinners, home.Charles Wesley 1707-88 Hymns for the New Year's Day 1750
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