Uwchlaw pob meddwl ddaw i ddyn

(Anfeidroldeb Duw)
Uwchlaw pob meddwl ddaw i ddyn,
Ac engyl nef,
    pe ba'ent bob un,
  Yn ceisio dirnad mawredd Duw,
  Hwy dd'wedent oll, "Rhy ddwfn yw."

Yn nechreu'r byd
    bu teulu'r nef
Yn edrych ar ei w'rthiau ef,
  Pryd hyny y rhyfeddent hwy,
  Ac hyd yn awr rhyfeddant fwy.

I'w gwydd o hyd ei fawredd daw,
Nid oes ond syndod ar bob llaw;
  Trwy gylchoedd bydoedd
      dae'r a nef,
  Hwy welant ei ogoniant ef.

Yn nghyfryngwriaeth Mab y dyn,
Mae nef a daear fawr ynglyn;
  Attaliwyd engyl heb fyn'd lawr,
  A chodir dyn o'r dyfnder mawr.

I drag'wyddoldeb rhoddir clod
Gan ddyn ac angel uwch y rhod;
  Ond llawn ogoniant mawredd Duw
  Fydd byth uwchlaw pob cantawr byw.
Daniel Jones 1788-1862
Crynhodeb o Hymnau Cristnogol (Daniel Jones) 1845

[Mesur: MH 8888]

(The Infinitude of God)
Above every thought that comes to man,
And the angels of heaven,
    if they were every one,
  Seeking to comprehend the greatness of God,
  They would all say, "It is too deep."

In the beginning of the world
    the family of heaven was
Looking on his miracles,
  Then they would wonder,
  And now they wonder more.

To their sight still his greatness comes,
There is only surprise on every hand;
  Through the circles of the world
      of earth and heaven,
  They see his glory.

In the mediation of the Son of Man,
Heaven and great earth are connected;
  Angels were prevented from going down,
  And man is to be raised from the great depths.

For eternity praise is to be raised
By man and angel above the sky;
  But the full glory of the greatness of God
  Shall forever be above every living singer.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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