Un fendith dyro im

(Un peth a ddeisyfais i)
Un fendith dyro im,
  ni cheisiaf ddim ond hynny:
Cael gras i'th garu di tra bwy',
  cael mwy o ras i'th garu.

Ond im dy garu'n iawn,
  caf waith a dawn sancteiddiach,
A'th ganlyn wnaf bob dydd yn well,
  ac nid o hirbell mwyach.

A phan ddêl dyddiau dwys,
  caf orffwys ar dy ddwyfron,
Ac yno brofi gwin dy hedd
  a gwledd dy addewidion.

Dy garu, digon yw
  wrth fyw i'th wasanaethu,
Ac yn oes oesoedd ger dy fron
  fy nigon fydd dy garu.
Eliseus Williams (Eifion Wyn) 1867-1926

Tonau [MBC 6787]:
Glasfryn (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Gwalchmai (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Sirioldeb (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)

(One thing have I requested)
One blessing give me,
  I will seek nothing but this:
To have grace to love thee while I live,
  To have more of grace to love thee.

Only for me to love thee well,
  Will I have work and a gift more holy;
And I will follow thee better every day,
  And not from a distance any more. 

And when intense days come,
  I be able to rest on thy breasts,
And there taste the wine of thy peace
  And the feast of thy promises.

Thy love, it is sufficient
  For life in thy service,
And forever and ever before thee
  Sufficient for me shall be thy love.
tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion
One blessing grant me, Lord,
  And that will be enough for me:
The grace to love thee while I live
  And have more grace to love thee.

Only in loving thee
  Shall I find gifts more holy,
Approach more close to thee each day
  And no more lag behind thee.

And when come days of care,
  To rest upon thy bosom
And there to taste thy wine of peace
  And savour all thy gifts to come.

To love thee is enough,
  While living but to serve thee,
Then, in thy presence evermore,
  Enough for me, to love thee.
M J H Ellis (Monti)
used by kind permission of the author

Tune [WSM 6787]: Sirioldeb (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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