Unwaith hwyliais ar y cefnfor

Once on the raging seas I rode

(Seren Bethlehem)
Unwaith, hwyliais ar y cefnfor,
  'Storm yn gerth, a'r nos yn ddu;
Minau heb na llyw, nac angor,
  Nerth, na gobaith, o un tu;
Pob rhyw ddyfais wedi pallu,
  Dim ond soddi yn fy nhrem! -
Ar fy ing cyfododd Seren -
  Hon oedd Seren Bethlehem!

Bu yn lamp arweiniol imi,
  Lladdodd ofn y dyfrllyd fedd,
Ac o erchyll safn y weilgi
  Dyg fi i borthladd
      tawel hedd.
'Nawr mae'n deg, a minau'n canu, -
  F'achub o'r ystorom lem; -
Canaf pan bo'r byd yn ffaglu -
  Seren! - Seren Bethlehem!
Cyf. Llawlyfr Moliant 1890

Tôn [8787D]: Prydain (<1890))

(The Star of Bethlehem)
Once, I sailed on the ocean,
  Storm harsh, and the night black;
And I with neither helm nor anchor,
  Neither strength, nor hope from any side;
Every kind of device having failed,
  Only sinking in my vision! -
Upon my anguish rose a Star -
  This was the Star of Bethlehem!

It was a guiding lantern to me,
  It killed the fear of the watery grave,
And from the horror of the savage
  It brings me to the quiet
      harbour of peace.
Now it is fair, and I singing, -
  It saved me from the sharp storm; -
I shall sing when the world be blazing -
  A Star! - The Star of Bethlehem!
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion
(The Star of Bethlehem)
Once on the raging seas I rode,
  The storm was loud, the night was dark,
The ocean yawned, and rudely blowed
  The wind that tossed my foundering bark.

Deep horror then my vitals froze,
  Death-struck, I ceased the tide to stem;
When suddenly a star arose,
  It was the Star of Bethlehem.

It was my guide, my light, my all;
  It bade my dark forebodings cease;
And through the storm and danger's thrall,
  It led me to the port of peace.

Now safely, moored, my perils o'er
  I'll sing, first in night's diadem,
Forever and forevermore,
  The star! The Star of Bethlehem!
Henry Kirke White 1785-1806
When marshaled on the nightly plain
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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