Ust pa beth yw'r peraidd ganu?

Hark what mean those holy voices?

Ust! pa beth yw'r peraidd ganu?
  Pwy yw'r disglair fodau glân?
Llu o engyl nef sy'n moli,
  Haleliwia yw eu cân;
Clywch y newydd gorfoleddus,
  Clywch yr anthem, swynol yw -
Uchel foliant a gogoniant
  Heddiw i'r anfeidrol Dduw.

Ar y ddaear boed tangnefedd -
  Heddwch Duw i deulu'r llawr,
Iachawdwriaeth a gyhoeddir,
  Caned pawb mewn hoen yn awr;
Ganed heddiw Iesu'n Ceidwad,
  Nef a llawr a'u mawl sy'n un;
O! derbyniwn yr Eneiniog
  Ddaeth o fynwes Duw ei Hun.

Dewch, drigolion byd,
    i'w foli,
  Dewch, a dysgwch ganddo ef,
Yn y man cewch felys ganu
  Haleliwia yn y nef;
Yno bydd y gân yn berffaith,
  Yng nghymdeithas engyl gwiw;
Uchel foliant a gogoniant
  Byth a fo i'r Arglwydd Dduw.
<1889 efel. W Waters

Tôn [8787D]: Y Llu Nefol (<1962)

Hark! What is the sweet singing?
  Who are the radiant holy beings?
A host of heaven's angels who are praising,
  Hallelujah is their song;
Hear ye the jubilant news,
  Hear ye the anthem, charming it is -
High praise and glory
  Today to the infinite God.

On the earth let there be tranquility -
  God's peace for the family of earth below,
May salvation be announced,
  Let all in liveliness sing now;
Born today is Jesus our Saviour,
  Heaven and earth with their praise are one;
O receive the Anointed
  Who came from the bosom of God himself!

Come ye inhabitants of the world,
    to praise him,
  Come ye, and learn from him,
Soon ye shall get sweetly to sing
  Hallelujah in heaven;
Then shall the song be perfect,
  In the company of worthy angels;
High praise and glory
  Forever be to the Lord God.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion
Hark! what mean those holy voices,
  Sweetly sounding through the skies?
Lo! the angelic host rejoices
  Heavenly hallelujahs rise.
Listen to the wondrous story,
  Which they chant in hymns of joy;
Glory in the highest, glory;
  Glory be to God most high!

Peace on earth, good will from Heaven,
  Reaching far as man is found;
Souls redeemed, and sins forgiven;
  Loud our golden harps shall sound.
Christ is born, the great Anointed;
  Heaven and earth His praises sing:
O receive whom God appointed,
  For your prophet, priest and king.

Hasten, mortals
    to adore Him;
  Learn His name and taste His joy;
Till in Heav’n you sing before Him,
  Glory be to God most high!
Let us learn the wondrous story
  Of our great Redeemer’s birth;
Spread the brightness of His glory
  Till it cover all the earth.
1819 John Cawood 1775-1852

Tune [8787D]: Bethany (Henry T Smart )

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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