Un a gefais imi'n gyfaill pwy fel Efe! Hwn a gâr yn fwy nag eraill pwy fel Efe! Cyfnewidiol ydyw dynion a siomedig yw cyfeillion; hwn a bery byth yn ffyddlon pwy fel Efe! F'enaid glŷn wrth Grist mewn cyni pwy fel Efe! Ffyddlon yw ymhob caledi pwy fel Efe! Os yw pechod yn dy ddrysu angrhediniaeth am dy lethu hwn a ddichon dy waredu pwy fel Efe! Dy gamweddau a ddilea pwy fel Efe! Dy elynion oll, fe'u maedda pwy fel Efe! Cei bob bendith iti'n feddiant hedd a chariad a'th ddilyniant Crist a'th arwain i ogoniant pwy fel Efe! Câr yr Hwn sy'n llawn o gariad, pwy fel efe! Byth ni'th edy di'n amddifad, pwy fel efe! Bwrw arno dy holl ogal, Dilyn Ef trwy ddyrys anial, Dan dy feichiau hwn a'th gynal, pwy fel efe! Brawd yw Iesu mewn cyfyngder, pwy fel efe! Cyfaill yw a lŷn bob amser, pwy fel efe! Biogel fyddaf dn ei aen; Ac wrth rodio'r hen Iorddonen, Yn ei law âf drwyddi'n llawen, pwy fel efe! Yn y tywyll fedd fe'm cofia, pwy fel efe! Am fy llwch fe lwyr ofala, pwy fel efe! Egyr ef ei hun fy ngarchar Myn fy nghorff o waelod daear, Ar ei wedd yn bur a hawddgar, pwy fel efe!Efel. Peter Jones (Pedr Fardd) 1775-1845
Tonau: gwelir: Rhan II - Câr yr Hwn sy'n llawn o gariad Un sydd dyner uwch pawb arall Y mae Un uwch law pawb eraill |
I have one who is my friend Who like him! This one loves more than others Who like him! Changeable are men And disappointing are friends; This one will endure forever faithful Who like him! My soul sticks to Christ in adversity Who like him! Faithful is he in every hardship Who like him! If sin is confounding thee Unbelief threatening to smother thee He is able to deliver thee Who like him! Thy transgressions he will remove Who like him! All thy enemies, he will strike them Who like him! Every blessing will be thine Peace and love will follow thee Christ will lead thee to glory Who like him! Love Him who is full of love, Who like him! Never will he leave thee orphaned, Who like him! Cast on him all thy care, Follow Him through a troublesome desert, Under thy burdens he will support thee, Who like him! A Brother is Jesus in straits, Who like him! A Friend he is who will still every time, Who like him! Safe I shall be under his wing; And on fording the old Jordan, IN his hand I will go through joyfully, Who like him! In the darkness of the grave he will remember me, Who like him! For my dust he will completely care, Who like him! He himself will open my prison, May my body go from the base of the earth, Before his countenance as pure and beautiful! Who like him!tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion |
One there is above all others, Oh, how He loves! His is love beyond a brother's, Oh, how He loves! Earthly friends may fail or leave us, One day soothe, the next day grieve us, But this Friend will ne'er deceive us, Oh, how He loves! 'Tis eternal life to know Him, Oh, how He loves! Think, oh, think how much we owe Him, Oh, how He loves! With His precious blood He bought us; In the wilderness He sought us; To His flock He safely brought us, Oh, how He loves! Through His name we are forgiven, Oh, how He loves! Backward shall our foes be driven, Oh, how He loves! Best of blessings He'll provide us; Nought but good shall e'er betide us; Safe to glory He will guide us, Oh, how He loves! We have found a Friend in Jesus, Oh, how He loves! 'Tis His great delight to bless us, Oh, how He loves! How our hearts delight to hear Him Bid us dwell in safety near Him! Why should we distrust or fear Him? Oh, how He loves!
1813Marianne Nunn 1778-1847
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