Un arall o blynyddau'm hoes

(Dechreu blwyddyn)
Un arall o blynyddau'm hoes
  Sydd wedi'i threulio i gyd;
Torf fu'n ei dechreu gyda mi,
  Sy'n awr mewn bythol fyd.

O fewn y fwyddyn hon fe all
  Daw gwŷs am danaf fi,
I newid pob rhyw fwyniant byd
  Am fedd mewn daear ddu.

Rhy debyg i'r ffigysbren gwael
  Na ddygai ffrwythau pur,
Y treuliais amser na ddaw 'nol,
  Gan dost ddiffrwytho'r tir.

O Dad! gad i'r ffigysbren fyw
  Nes dygo ffrwythau mawr;
Dan nawedd
    dy nefol driniaeth boed -
  O! paid a'i dori lawr.

Wrth edrych 'nol, fath wallau mawr
  Wy'n ganfod yn fy ngwaith;
Rho ras i well'r gwallau oll,
  'Rhyn sydd yn ol o'm taith
Emynau ... yr Eglwys (Daniel Evans) 1883

[Mesur: MC 8686]

(The beginning of a year)
Another of the years of my life
  Has been spent altogether;
A throng who were at its beginning with me,
  Are now in an everlasting world.

Within this year there could
  Come a summons for me,
To exchange every kind of enjoyment of a world
  For a grave in black earth.

Too similar to the poor fig tree
  Which would not bear pure fruit,
I spent time which will not come back,
  With the fruitless pain of the land.

O Father, let the fig tree live!
  Until it bear great fruits;
under the protection
    of thy heavenly treatment let it be -
  O do not cut it down!

On looking back, what great faults
  I find in my work
Give grace to correct all the faults,
  Which remain of my journey.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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