Un arch a erchais ar Dduw Naf, A hyny archaf etto; Cael dod i dŷ yr Arglwydd glân, A bod â'm trigfa ynddo. I edrych ar brydferthwch pur Fy Nuw a'm gwir Waredwr; Ac i ymofyn trwy fy oes Pa gyngor roes fy Mhrynwr. Duw, dysg i mi dy ffordd yn rhwydd, O herwydd fy ngelynion; Ac arwain fi, o'th nawddol rad, Yn wastad ar yr union. - - - - - Un arch a erchais ar Dduw Nâf, A hyny archaf eto; Cael d'od i dŷ fy Arglwydd glân, A bod â'm trigfan ynddo. Caf yno roi fy nghwyn o'th flaen, A'th degwch wela'i'n wastad; A chlywed traethu d'w'llys gu, A chenadwri'th gariad. Pan ddel tymhestloedd - p'le ceir gwell? Mae yno babell ddirgel, Lle cuddia Duw ei blant bob un, A'u henaid sy'n ddiogel.Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623 Tôn [MS 8787]: Sabboth (J Williams 1740-1821) gwelir: Yr Arglwydd yw fy ngoleu 'gyd |
One request I requested of God the Chief, And this I request still; To get to come to the house of the holy Lord, And have my dwelling in it. To look on the pure beauty Of my God and my true Deliverer; And to ask throughout my lifespan What counsel my Redeemer gave. God, teach me thy way freely, Because of my enemies; And lead me, of thy gracious protection, Constantly aright. - - - - - One request I requested of God the Chief, And this I request still; To get to come to the house of the holy Lord, And have my dwelling in it. There to get to put my complaint before thee, And thy fairness see constantly; And hear the expounding of thy dear will, And the message of thy love. When tempest come - what better place is to be got? In it is the secret tent, Where God hides his children every one, And their elderly ones are safe.tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion |
4 Henceforth within his house to dwell I earnestly desire, His wondrous beauty there to view, and his blest will enquire. 11 Instruct me in thy paths, O Lord, my ways directly guide; Lest envious men, who watch my steps, should see me tread aside. - - - - - 4 Henceforth within his house to dwell I earnestly desire, His wondrous beauty there to view, and his blest will enquire. 7 Continue, Lord, to hear my voice, whene'er to thee I cry; In mercy all my pray'rs receive, nor my requests deny. 9 Then hide not thou thy face, O Lord, nor me in wrath reject; My God and Saviour, leave not him thou didst so oft protect.N Tate & N Brady A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696 |