Un sydd dyner uwch pawb arall, O fel y cār! Mae ei gariad uwch pob deall, O fel y cār! Gall cyfeillion daear gilio, Neu ein siomi a'n gofidio; Ef nis gād ni byth yn anngho', O fel y cār! Bywyd perffaith yw ei 'nabod, O fel y cār! Cyfaill yw yn mhob rhyw drallod, O fel y cār! Gyda'i werthfawr waed y'n prynodd, Yn ein hisel radd fe'n cofiodd, Ac i'w gorlan clyd y'n dygodd, O fel y cār! Trwy ei enw fe'n maddeuir, O fel y cār! A'n gelynion a orchfygir, O fel y cār! Myrdd bendithion o'r fath oreu, A ddarperir trwy'n bywydau, Ac i'r nefoedd tywys ninau, O fel y cār!
cyf. J E
Tōn [84.84.8884]:
gwelir: |
One is tender above all others, Oh, how he loves! His love is above all understanding, Oh, how he loves! The friends of earth can retreat, Or disappoint us and grieve us; He will never let us be forgotten, Oh, how he loves! A perfect life is to know him, Oh, how he loves! A friend in every kind of trouble, Oh, how he loves! With his precious blood he bought us, In our low degree he remembered us, And into his secure sheep-fold he led us, Oh, how he loves! Through his name we are to be forgiven, Oh, how he loves! And our enemies are to be overcome, Oh, how he loves! A myriad blessings of the best kind, Are to be prepared throughout our lives, And into heaven he will lead us, Oh, how he loves! tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion |
One there is above all others, Oh, how He loves! His is love beyond a brother's, Oh, how He loves! Earthly friends may fail or leave us, One day soothe, the next day grieve us, But this Friend will ne'er deceive us, Oh, how He loves! 'Tis eternal life to know Him, Oh, how He loves! Think, oh, think how much we owe Him, Oh, how He loves! With His precious blood He bought us; In the wilderness He sought us; To His flock He safely brought us, Oh, how He loves! We have found a Friend in Jesus, Oh, how He loves! 'Tis His great delight to bless us, Oh, how He loves! How our hearts delight to hear Him Bid us dwell in safety near Him! Why should we distrust or fear Him? Oh, how He loves! Through His name we are forgiven, Oh, how He loves! Backward shall our foes be driven, Oh, how He loves! Best of blessings He'll provide us; Nought but good shall e'er betide us; Safe to glory He will guide us, Oh, how He loves!
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