Un trugarog a thostriol

Un trugarog a thostriol
  Ydyw'r Duw anfeidrol fawr,
Bwgwth cosbi - wed'yn oedi,
  Heb ein tori eleni i lawr;
    Diolch iddo, &c.,
  Byth am beidio'n t'rawo'n drwm.

Bwgwth barn i gadarn gydio,
  Yma i'n dryllio am ein drwg,
Weithiau t'ranu, dan felltenu,
  Fel i'n hysu yn ei ŵg;
    Bwgwth t'rawo, &c.,
  Yma i'n deffro y mae Duw.

Trawo peth o'n hodiaeth ydau,
  Mewn rhai manau yn ein mysg,
Eto rhoi i'n ymborth ddigon, -
  O! na chym'rai dynion ddysg;
    Diolch iddo, &c.,
  Nid am daro y mae'n Duw.

Bwgwth stormydd, garw gerydd,
  Ar ein bronydd, er ein braw,
Weithiau'n bwgwth drwy dymhestloedd
  Ddifa'n glynoedd efo gwlaw;
    Arbed wed'yn, &c.,
  'R ol ein dychryn a wnai Duw.
Edward Jones 1761-1836
Caniadau Maes y Plwm 1857

[Mesur: 878747]

One merciful and pitying
  Is the infinite, great God,
Threatening the punish - then delaying,
  Not breaking us this year down;
    Thanks to him, &c.,
  Forever for not striking us heavily.

Threatening judgment to take hold firmly,
   Here to shatter us for our evil,
Sometimes thundering, under lightening,
  Thus to consume us in his frown;
    Threatening to strike, &c.
  Here to awaken us is God.

Striking some of our exquisite grain,
  In some places in our midst,
Yet giving to us sufficient sustenance, -
  Oh that men would accept teaching;
    Thanks to him, &c.,
  Not wanting to strike is our God.

Threatening storms, rough chastisement,
  On our hillsides, for our terror,
Sometimes threatening through tempests
  Eroding our valleys with rain;
    Save then, &c.,
  After terrifying us, would God.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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