Un waith am byth ei fywyd roes

Once only once and once for all

Un waith am byth ei fywyd roes
  Dros euog ddynol-ryw;
A syrthio wnawn gerbron ei groes,
  Ffynhonnell bywyd yw.

Un offrwm cyflawn dros ein clwy'
  Yw cadarn sail ein ffydd;
Ac er na ddichon
    farw mwy,
  Ei ffrwyth yn para sydd.

Fel Aron gynt, gerbron yr arch,
  Tu fewn i'r llen a gaed,
Yn sefyll gyda gwylaidd barch,
  Ac yn taenellu'r gwaed -

Yr Iesu, trwy ei waed ei hun,
  A aeth tu fewn i'r llen,
I eiriol byth dros euog ddyn
  A brynodd ar y pren.

Ei ddyndod yno'n eiriol sydd
  Ar orsedd-fainc y nef,
Ac yma'n gyfrin, lle y rhydd
  Ei bresenoldeb ef.

Dangoswn felly, Arglwydd mawr,
  Dy angau gwerthfawr di;
A phrofwn wrth dy fwrdd yn awr
  Fod allor gennym ni.
cyf. Thomas Davies, Trelech, (1859- ).

Tôn [MC 8686]: Albano (Vincent Novello 1781-1861)

Once forever his life he gave
  For guilty human-kind;
And fall we do before his cross,
  The fount of life it is.

One full offering for our wound
  Is the firm foundation of our faith;
And although he cannot possibly
    die any more,
  His fruit enduring is.

Like Aaron once, before the ark,
  Which within the curtain was,
Standing with modest reverence,
  And sprinkling the blood -

Jesus, through his own blood,
  Went within the curtain,
To intercede forever for guilty man
  Whom he ransomed on the tree.

His manhood there interceding is
  At the throne of heaven,
And here secretly, where he gives
  His presence.

Let us show forth thus, great Lord,
  Thy precious death;
And prove at the table now
  That we have an altar.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion
Once, only once, and once for all,
  His precious life He gave;
Before the cross in faith we fall,
  And own it strong to save.

One off'ring, single and complete,
  With lips and hearts we say;
But what He never
    can repeat
  He shows forth day by day.

For as the priest of Aaron's line
  Within the holiest stood,
And sprinkled all the mercy shrine
  With sacrificial blood;

So He, who once atonement wrought,
  Our Priest of endless power,
Presents Himself for those He bought
  In that dark noontide hour.

His manhood pleads where now it lives
  On heaven's eternal throne,
And where in mystic rite He gives
  Its presence to His own.

And so we show Thy death, O Lord,
  Till Thou again appear,
And feel, when we approach Thy board,
  We have an altar here.
William Bright 1824-1901

Tune [CM 8686]: Albano (Vincent Novello 1781-1861)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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