Un wyt fy Nuw ac etto Tri

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8;  1,3,5,6,7,8;  1,5,6,(8).
(Y Drindod)
Un wyt, fy Nuw, ac etto Tri,
Dirgelwch sy'n rhy fawr i mi:
  Goguwch trag'wyddol, felly'th gair
  Wedi'th ddatguddio yn dy air.

Pan cilio ffwrdd gysgodau'r hwyr,
A'r llen i'r llawr
    i'w rhwygo'n llwyr,
  Fe alli ceir trwy lewyrch gwell
  I ganfod mwy i'r dyfnder pell.

Fel d'wed dy air, fy nyled yw
Credu dy hanfod di, fy Nuw;
  Anghofio'm rheswm, mae'n rhy wàn,
  Ni fedd ef nerth
      i'm tynu i'r lan.

Chwilio âg ef ddyfnderoedd 'rwy',
Ac eto ffaelu a myned trwy;
  Rhy faith yw'r gwirioneddau fry
  I'w gwybod, ond i'w credu sy.

Tad yn y Mab, Mab yn y Tad,
Ac yr un wedd mae'r Ysbryd rhad;
  Y man b'o un, y lleill y sy -
  O ryfedd Fod! can's Un yw Tri!

Y perffeithderau maith diball,
A geir yn un, geir yn y llall;
  Fy Nhad, fy Iesu, a'r Ysbryd cun,
  Sy Dduw; ni fedda'i etto ond un.

A chan y Drindod yma mae
Yr unig allu i'm hiachau:
  Tair swydd yn angenrheidiol sy
  Cyn gallu'm dwyn i'r nefoedd fry.

Rhaid oedd fy
    ngharu gan y Tad,
A Iesu i farw troswy'n rhad;
  A'i Ysbryd i gymhwyso'i gyd
  Ei iechydwriaeth werthfawr ddrud.
cilio :: gilio
Goguwch :: Gog'yd
Y perffeithderau maith :: Y priodoliaethau maith
Y perffeithderau maith :: Pob priodoledd faith
fy ngharu :: fy newis

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MH 8888]:
    Beza (<1869)
    Yr Hen Ganfed (Sallwyd Genefa 1551)

(The Trinity)
One art thou, my God, and yet Three,
A mystery which is too great for me:
  An eternal superiority, as thy word
  Thy having been revealed in thy word.

When the evening shadows retreat away,
And the curtain to the earth
    is torn completely,
  It could be had through a better gleam
  To find more to the far depth.

As thy word says, my duty is
To believe thy being, my God;
  To forget my reason, it is too weak,
  It does not possess
      the strength to pull me up.

Searching for him in the depths I am,
And yet failing to go through;
  Too vast are thy truths above
  To be known, but to be believed they are.

Father in the Son, Son in the Father,
And the same state is the gracious Spirit;
  Wherever one is, the others are -
  O wonderful Being! since One is Three!

The unfailing, extensive perfections,
Found in one, are found in the other;
  My Father, my Jesus, and the dear Spirit,
  Are God; I will say yet only one.

And since the Trinity is here
The only one who can heal me:
  Three offices which are essential
  Before I can be led to the heavens above.

It was necessary for me
    to be loved by the Father,
And for Jesus to die for me freely;
  And for the Spirit to apply all
  His costly, valuable salvation.
The ... extensive perfections :: The ... extensive attributes
The ... extensive perfections :: Every ... extensive attribute
me to be loved :: me to be chosen

tr. 2012,15 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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