Un ydyw'r eglwys oll

(Undeb yr Eglwys)
  Un ydyw'r eglwys oll
    Trwy’r byd a'r
          nefoedd wen;
  A gwelir hi'n ddi-goll
    Ar ddelw Crist, ei phen;
Hardd iawn fydd gwedd
      y dyrfa fawr,
Pan ddelo’n un holl deulu'r llawr.

  Un corff, un ysbryd sydd,
    Un Arglwydd i'r holl saint,
  Un bedydd ac un ffydd,
    Un gobaith, nefol fraint;
Er bod yn fynych yma'n drist,
Cânt gyd-deyrnasu gyda Christ.

  Datseiniant byth trwy'r nef
    Rinweddau angau loes;
  Cydganant "Iddo Ef!"
    Heb neb yn tynnu'n groes:
Bydd pawb o'r brodyr yno'n un
Yn moli'r duwdod yn y dyn.

  O! boed i'th Ysbryd, Iôr!
    Ein selio hyd y dydd
  Daw'r saint, o dir a môr,
    O'u rhwymau oll yn rhydd:
Cawn yna ganu gyda nwy
Dragwyddol glod am farwol glwy'!
Peter Jones (Pedr Fardd) 1775-1845

Tonau [666688]:
Alun (J A Lloyd 1815-74)
Bevan (J Goss 1800-80)
Beverley (G F Handel 1685-1759)
Cei Newydd (W Matthew Williams 1885-1972)
Darwall (John Darwall 1731-89)
Gopsal (hen alaw)
Havergal (<1962)
Salm 47 (Henry Lawes 1596-1662)

  Bydd pawb o'r brodyr yno'n un
  O Mor daionus yw

(The unity of the Church)
  One is all the church
    Throughout the word and the
          blessed heavens;
  And she is to be seen secure
    In the image of Christ, her Head;
Very beautiful will be the countenance
      of the great throng,
When the whole family of earth becomes one.

  One body, one spirit there is,
    One Lord to all the saints,
  One baptism and one faith,
    One hope, a heavenly privilege;
Although frequenting here sadly,
They will get to rule together with Christ.

  They will sound forever throughout heaven
    The merits of the throes of death;
  They will sing together "Unto Him!"
    With no-one objecting:
Everyone of the brethren there will be one
Praising the godhead in the man.

  Oh let thy Spirit, Lord,
    Seal us until that day!
  The saints shall come, from land and sea,
    From their bonds free:
We may get to sing there with them
Eternal acclaim for a mortal wound!
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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