Unwn bawb i ganu

Unwn bawb i ganu,
  Gyda lleisiau mwyn,
Cân o glod i'r Iesu,
  Cân yn llawn o swyn;
Parod yw i wrando
  Cân pob plentyn bach:
O! mor hoff yw ganddo
  Fiwsig pur ac iach.

    Canu ar y ddaear,
    Canu yn y nef;
    Canu oll yn hawddgar
    Mae ei eiddo ef.

Canu wna'r aderyn
  Fry ar frig y pren;
Enfyn ef ei emyn
  Tua'r nefoedd wen;
Dylem ninnau ganu
  Iddo ef o hyd;
Cawn ei law i'n nerthu
  Beunydd yn y byd.

Murmur pêr yr afon
  Ar ei thaith i'r môr,
Gwyd yn fwyn alawon
  I'r anfeidrol Iôr;
Deffry cân y cread
  Awydd ynom ni
I glodfori'r Ceidwad
  Am ei gariad cu.
D T Thomas 1868?-1940

Tôn [6565D+6565]:
  Canu i'r Iesu (Matthew W Davies 1882-1947)

Let us all unite to sing,
  With tender voices,
A song of praise to Jesus,
  A song full of charm;
Ready he is to listen to
  To every little child's song:
Oh, how fond he is of
  Music pure and whole.

    Singing on the earth,
    Singing in heaven;
    Singing all beautifully
    Are his own.

Sing does the bird
  Up on the top of the tree;
It will send its hymn
  Towards the bright heavens;
We too should sing
  To him always;
We may get his hand to strengthen us
  Daily in the world.

The sweet murmur of the river
  On its journey to the sea,
Will raise tenderly melodies
  To the infinite Lord;
The song of creation will awaken
  Eagerness in us
To praise the Saviour
  For his dear love.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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