Uwch law terfynau maith y sêr

(Chwant am fod gyda Christ)
Uwch law terfynau maith y sêr,
  Mewn hardd baradwys wiw,
Yn mhlith myrddiynau fel y gwlith,
  F'Anwylyd sydd yn byw.

Mae seintiau yn diengyd fry,
  Yn fyrddiwn o fy mlaen;
A mi, ymddifad, yma'n byw,
  Yn nghanol dŵr a thân.

Mae hiraeth pur yn gweithio trwy
  Fy enaid, am fwynhau
Pleserau dwyfol, p'erffaith, pur,
  Sydd fythol yn parhau.

Anturiaf yr Iorddonen trwy,
  Er cymmaint grym y dŵr,
Ond im gael teimlo
    fod o'm plaid
  Iachusol, ddwyfol Wr.

Dan ei adenydd mae fy nerth,
  A'i Dduwdod yw fy ngrym;
Heb ei gwmpeini, 'dyw fy nawn,
  Na'm rhoddion penaf ddim.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Bedford (William Wheale 1696-1727)
Martyrdom (Hugh Wilson 1766-1824)
Jerusalem (Thomas W Staniforth 1845-1909)
University (C Collignon / J Randall)

(Desire to be with Christ)
Above the vast limits of the stars,
  In beautiful, worthy paradise,
Amongst myriads like the dew,
  My beloved is living.

Saints are free above,
  As myriads before me,
And I, destitute, living here,
  In the midst of water and fire.

Pure longing is working through
  My soul, for enjoyment
Of divine, perfect, pure pleasures,
  Which are forever enduring.

I shall venture the Jordan through,
  Despite the extent of the force of the water,
But for me to get to feel
    that there is on my side
  A wholesome, divine Man.

Under his wings is my strength,
  And his Divinity is my force;
Without his company, neither my talent,
  Nor my chief gifts are anything.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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