Wedi f'amgylchu yma'r wy' Gan lym elynion, fyrdd a mwy; Yn f'erbyn, uffern a'i holl lid, Daear a phechod ŷnt yng nghyd; Ond buddugoliaeth gaf ryw awr, Trwy ffydd yn enw Iesu mawr. Er fod i'm herbyn luoedd llawr, A chedyrn filodd uffern fawr, Fy Nuw yn darian imi fydd - Yn dân y nos, a niwl y dydd: Daw imi goncwest lawn ryw awr, Trwy ffydd yn enw Iesu mawr. Mae yn ei enw fywyd byth, Gwaredir trwyddo rif y gwlith; Oddiwrth bob pechod caf ryddhad, Daw'r gelyn olaf dan fy nhraed: Caf fuddugoliaeth lawn ryw awr, Trwy ffydd yn enw Iesu mawr.cyf. Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844 Tôn [8888.88]: Bremen (Georg Neumark 1621-81) |
Here I am surrounded By keen enemies, a myriad and more; Against me, hell and all its wrath, Earth and sin together go; But victory I shall have some hour, Through faith in the name of great Jesus. Although many hosts are against me, And strong thousands of great hell, My God a shield to me shall be - As fire by night, and fog by day: Full conquest shall come to me some hour, Through faith in the name of great Jesus. In his name there is life forever, Through him shall be delivered as many as the dew; From every sin I shall get freedom, The last enemy shall come under my feet: I shall get full victory some hour, Through faith in the name of great 2023 Richard B Gillion |
Surrounded by a host of foes, Stormed by a host of foes within, Nor swift to flee, nor strong t’oppose, Single, against hell, earth, and sin, Single, yet undismayed, I am; I dare believe in Jesus’ name. What though a thousand hosts engage, A thousand worlds, my soul to shake? I have a shield shall quell their rage, And drive the alien armies back; Portrayed it bears a bleeding Lamb I dare believe in Jesus’ name. Salvation in His name there is, Salvation from sin, death, and hell, Salvation into glorious bliss, How great salvation, who can tell! But all He hath for mine I claim; I dare believe in Jesus’ name.Charles Wesley 1707-88 Tune [88.88.88]: Melita (John B Dykes 1823-76) |