Wel bellach f'enaid gwan

(Cysuron yr Yrfa)
Wel bellach, f'enaid gwan,
  Distawa dan dy groes,
A gwel, yn angau Calfari,
  Oleuni dan bob loes:
Cais drysor yn y nef,
  Gwna gartref gyda Duw,
Cei fwy na'r
    ddaear oll is nen,
  A'r nefoedd wen i fyw.

Er gweled beilchion byd
  A llwydd yr ynfyd rai,
Na ad i'th chwant dy ddenu di
  I 'mborthi ar eu bai.
Ymgadw gyda Duw,
  Mawr ydyw nerth ei ras,
Fel hyn gorchfygi yn ddi-goll
  Dy holl elynion cas.

          - - - - -

Wel bellach, f'enaid gwan,
  Distawa dan dy groes,
A gwêl, yn angeu Calfari,
  Oleuni ar bob loes:
Cais drysor yn y nef,
  Gwna'th gartref gyda Duw,
Cei fwy na'r
    ddaear oll is nen,
  Cei'r nefoedd wen i fyw.

Cei fanna ar dy daith,
  A dysgu iaith y nef,
Ac esgyn fry uwchlaw i'r sêr,
  Yn ei gyfiawnder Ef.
Ymgadw gyda Duw,
  Mawr ydyw nerth Ei ras,
Fel hyn gorchfygi yn ddi-goll
  Dy holl elynion cas.

           - - - - -

Wel bellach, f'enaid gwan,
  Distawa dan dy groes,
A gwêl, yn angeu Calfari,
  Oleuni ar bob loes:
Cais drysor yn y nef,
  Gwna'th gartref gyda Duw,
Cei fwy na'r
    ddaear oll îs nen,
  A'r nefoedd wèn i fyw.

Cei fanna ar dy daith,
  A dysgu iaith y nef;
Ac esgyn ryw-bryd uwch y ser,
  Yn ei gyfiawnder ef;
Cei ddwr o'r
    graig yn wyrth;
  Ni syrth yr un o'r Saint:
O f'enaid, na fydd forwyn ffol,
  I fod yn ol o'r fraint.

Ond rhodia gyda Duw,
  A thi gei heddyw hedd;
Efe a'th arwain yn ei law,
  I'th fraint tu draw i'r bedd:
O cais ei gynghor ef,
  A chyfod lef i'r lan,
Am gael 'i arweiniad dan y rhod,
  A'i gysgod yn mhob man.

'Nawr, O fy enaid, mwy,
  Gwel, edrych yn y blaen,
A chadw'n gywir at y nôd,
  Nes dod i Salem lân,
Nac edrych byth yn ol,
  Ar bethau bydol barch;
Ymgadw yn yr anial dir,
  Yn gywir gyda'r arch.

           - - - - -

Wel, bellach, f'enaid gwan,
  Dystawa dan dy groes,
A gwel, yn angeu Calfari,
  Oleuni dan bob loes:
Cais drysor yn y nef,
  Gwna'th gartref gyda Duw;
Cei fwy nâ'r
    ddaear is y nen,
  A'r nefoedd wen i fyw.

Cei fanna ar dy daith,
  A dysgu iaith y nef,
Ac yna esgyn uwch y ser
  Yn ei gyfìawnder Ef:
Nac edrych byth yn ol
  Ar bethau bydol barch;
Ymgadw drwy yr anial dir
  Yn gywir gyda'r Arch.
Richard Jones 1772-1833

Tonau [MBD 6686D]:
Chalvey (L G Hayne 1836-83)
Gobaith (Thomas Price 1857-1925)

(The Comforts of the Course)
Well now, my weak soul,
  Be quiet beneath thy cross,
And see, in the death of Calvary,
  Light upon every anguish:
Seek treasure in heaven,
  Make thy home with God,
Thou shalt have more than
    all the earth below the sky,
  And the bright heavens to live.

Despite seeing the world's pride
  And the success of the foolish ones,
Do not let thy lust attract thee
  To feed upon their fault.
Keep thyself with God,
  Great is the strength of his grace,
Thus shalt thou overcome unfailingly
  All thy detestable enemies.

               - - - - -

Well now, my weak soul,
  Be quiet beneath thy cross,
And see, in the death of Calvary,
  Light upon every anguish:
See treasure in heaven,
  Make thy home with God,
Thou shalt have more than
    all the earth below the sky,
  And the bright heavens to live.

Thou shalt have manna upon thy journey,
  And learn the language of heaven,
And ascend up above the stars,
  In his righteousness.
Keep thyself with God,
  Great is the strength of his grace,
Thus shalt thou overcome unfailingly
  All thy detestable enemies.

               - - - - -

Well now, my weak soul,
  Be quiet beneath thy cross,
And see, in the death of Calvary,
  Light upon every anguish:
See treasure in heaven,
  Make thy home with God,
Thou shalt have more than
    all the earth below the sky,
  And the bright heavens to live.

Thou shalt have manna upon thy journey,
  And learn the language of heaven;
And ascend up above the stars,
  In his righteousness;
Thou shalt have water from the
    rock as a miracle;
  Not one of the saints shall fall:
O my soul, do not be a foolish virgin,
  To be left behind from the privilege.

But walk with God,
  And thou shalt have peace today;
He shall lead thee in his hand,
  To thy privilege beyond the grave:
O seek his counsel,
  And raise a cry up,
To get his leading under the sky,
  And his shadow everywhere.

Now, O my soul, evermore,
  See, look forward,
And keep truly to the aim,
  Until coming to holy Salem,
Do not ever look back,
  At things of worldly honour;
Keep in the desert land,
  Truly with the ark.

               - - - - -

Well now, my weak soul,
  Be quiet beneath thy cross,
And see, in the death of Calvary,
  Light upon every anguish:
See treasure in heaven,
  Make thy home with God;
Thou shalt have more than the
    earth below the sky,
  And the bright heavens to live.

Thou shalt have manna upon thy journey,
  And learn the language of heaven,
And then ascend above the stars
  In his righteousness;
Do not ever look back
  At things of worldly honour;
Keep in the desert land,
  Truly with the ark.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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