Wel dyma'r ddeddf medd f'Arglwydd mad
Wel dyma'r ddeddf medd Iesu mad

SALM 2. RHAN II - Adnodau 7,8,11,12.
(Adgyfodiad a theyrnasiad Crist)
Wel dyma'r ddeddf, medd Iesu mad,
  'R hon gan fy Nhad a glywais;
Ti yw fy Mab, o'm perffaith ryw,
  A heddyw y'th genhedlais.

Gofyn, fy Mab, a'th Dad a rydd
  Y gwledydd oll i'th feddiant;
A holl genhedloedd daear gron,
  O'r bron, dy eiddo fyddant.

Gwas'naethwch mwy Etifedd nef,
  Ac ofnwch ef yn wastad;
Ymlawenhêwch dan grynu i gyd,
  Trwy'r byd, yng Nghrist eich Ceidwad.

Y Mab cusenwch, rhag ei ddig,
  A'ch bwrw'n ffyrnig heibio;
Can's gwyn ei fyd y sawl a gred,
  Ac a ymddiried ynddo.
Iesu mad :: f'Arglwydd mad
'R hon :: Hon
Etifedd nef :: yr Arglwydd nef
dan grynu i gyd, :: o'r amser hyn
Tryw'r byd, yng Nghrist :: Dan grynu yn
Can's :: A

Casgliad Daniel Rees 1831

[Mesur: MS 8787]

gwelir: RHAN I - Paham y cyfyd mawrion byd

PSALM 2. Verses 7,8,11,12.
(The Resurrection and Rule of Christ)
See, here is the decree, says esteemed Jesus,
  The one I heard from my Father;
Thou art my Son, of my perfect kind,
  And today I have begotten thee.

Ask, my Son, and thy Father will give
  All the lands for thy possession;
And all the nations of the round earth,
  Completely, thy property they will be.

Serve ye henceforth the Heir of heaven,
  And fear him constantly;
Take delight, while trembling altogether,
  Through the world, in Christ your Saviour.

Kiss the Son, lest ye anger him,
  And he cast you furiously away;
Since blessed is any who believes,
  And trusts in him.
esteemed Jesus :: my esteemed Lord
the Heir of heaven :: the Lord of heaven
while trembling altogether, :: from this time
Through the world, in Christ :: While trembling in
Since :: And

tr. 2012,15 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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