Wel dyma gariad uwch pob gradd

(Buddigoliaeth Crist)
Wel, dyma gariad uwch pob gradd -
  Bu farw'r Oen dros euog rai!
Ond llawenhawn; er cael ei ladd
  Mae heddyw'n fyw i faddeu bai.

Gadawai'r bedd, Ior cadarn oedd;
  Esgynodd adre at ei Dad;
Angylion fyrdd, â llawen floedd,
  Croesawent Ef i'r nefol wlad.

O! Seion wan bydd lawen iawn
  Wrth gofio ymdrech Iesu cu;
Ennillodd fuddugoliaeth lawn
  Ar uffern fawr, ac angeu du.

Byth, byth teyrnasa
    Frenhin hedd;
  Achub fyrddiynau trwy dy waed;
Darostwng uffern, myn y bedd,
  A'th holl elynion dan dy draed.
Y Caniadydd 1841

[Mesur: MH 8888]

(The Victory of Christ)
See, here is love above every degree -
  The Lamb died for guilty ones!
But let us rejoice; although he was killed
  Today he is alive to forgive sin.

He left the grave, a strong Lord he was;
  He ascended home to his Father;
A myriad angels, with a joyful shout,
  They welcomed him to the heavenly land.

O weak Zion, be very joyful
  On remembering the effort of dear Jesus;
He won a full victory
  Over great hell, and black death.

Reign forever and ever,
    Prince of Peace;
  Save myriads through thy blood;
Subdue hell, and may the grave,
  And all thy enemies go under thy feet.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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