Wel dyma oedfa newydd (Duw rho dy fendith lawr)

(Dechreu oedfa)
Wel dyma oedfa newydd,
  Duw rho dy fendith lawr,
Rho gymhorth ini ddadleu
  Dy addewidion mawr;
Cyfrana ddoniau'th Ysbryd
  Yn hyfryd arnom ni,
Fel gallom gyda phleser
  Dy wir addoli di.

Rho gymhorth i weddio,
  A gwrando di ein cwyn,
Rho gymhorth i bregethu
  Dy wirioneddan mwyn;
Rho gymhorth ini wrando
  Yn syml gyda phwyll,
A chwenych fel babanod
  Y nefol laeth didwyll.

O Arglwydd dyro awel,
  A hono'n awel gref,
A godo f'ysbryd egwan
  O'r ddaear hyd y nef;
Yr awel sy'n gwasgaru
  Y tew gymylau mawr,
Mae f'enaid am ei phrofi,
  O'r nefoedd doed i lawr.
Caniadau Y Cysegr 1855

Tonau [7676D]:
Heidelburg (Salmydd Marot)
Llydaw (alaw Lydewig)
Pwllheli (John Francis 1789-1834)
Via Crucis (Evan T Davies 1878-1969)

gwelir: Am graig i adeiladu

(The beginning of a service)
Now here is a new service,
  God, send thy blessing down,
Give help for us to plead
  Thy great promises;
Distribute the gifts of thy Spirit
  Delightfully upon us,
That we may with pleasure
  Truly worship thee.

Give help to pray
  And listen thou to our complaint,
Give help to preach
  Thy dear truths;
Give help for us to listen
  Simply and with wisdom,
And crave like babies
  The sincere, heavenly milk.

O Lord, send a breeze,
  And that a strong breeze,
That it may raise my weak spirit
  From the earth as far as heaven;
The breeze that scatters
  The great, thick clouds,
My soul wants to experience it,
  From heaven may it come down!
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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