Wel dyma'r modd y gwnaethpwyd

(Enw Jehofah. Exod. 34.5,6,7.)
Wel, dyma'r modd y gwnaethpwyd,
  I holl ddaioni Duw,
Fyn'd heibio o flaen wyneb
  Y gwaelaf ddyn yn fyw;
Fel hyn cyhoeddwyd enw
  Jehofah mawr a'i Grist,
Enwocaf enw'r nefoedd,
  I mi bechadur trist.

Hwyrfrydig i ddigofaint
  At rai sy lawn o fai;
Wrth y pechadur penaf
  O'i fodd yn trugarhau:
Mae'n cadw rhad drugaredd
  I filoedd maith a mwy,
Ac er ei glod yn maddeu
  Eu haml feiau hwy.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [7676D]:
Adela (J B Birkbeck c.1831- >1901)
Berth (William Lloyd 1786-1852)
Bremen (Neuvermehrtes Gesangbuch)

(Jehovah's Name - Exodus 34: 5-7)
See, here is the way that all
  The goodness of God was made
To pass before the face
  Of the worst man living;
Thus was published the name
  Of great Jehovah and his Christ,
The most famous name of the heavens,
  To me a sad sinner.

Slow to anger
  Towards those who are full of fault;
To the chief sinner
  Of his free will merciful:
He keeps free mercy
  To vast thousands and more,
And for the sake of his acclaim, forgiving
  Their many faults.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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