Wele cawsom y Meseia/Messia(h)

1,2,(3,(4),5,6);  1,(3),4;  1,3,4,5,(6,7,8);  1,(3),5.
(Messia'r Proffwydi)
Wele, cawsom y Meseia,
  Cyfaill gwerthfawroca' 'rioed;
Darfu i Moses a'r proffwydi
  Ddweud amdano cyn ei ddod:
Iesu yw, gwir Fab Duw,
Ffrind a Phrynwr dynol-ryw.

Dyma'r hen addewid hyfryd
  'Sigodd siol y sarff yn friw;
Caed tragwyddol fuddugoliaeth
  Ar farwolaeth, trwy Fab Duw:
Trwy fy oes, yn mhob loes,
F'enaid, cân am waed y groes.

Hwn yw'r Oen, ar ben Calfaria
  Aeth i'r lladdfa yn ein lle,
Swm ein dyled fawr a dalodd
  Ac fe groesodd filiau'r ne';
Trwy ei waed, inni caed
Bythol heddwch a rhyddhad.

Ca'dd cyfiawnder ei foddloni,
  Ca'dd y gyfraith ei chwblhau;
Duw a ninnau, fu'n elynol,
  Yn heddychol gwnaed y ddau:
Fe wnaeth ben; 'nawr mae'r llen
Gwedi rhwygo o'r ddae'r i'r nen.

Dyma gyfaill haedda 'i garu,
  A'i glodfori'n fwy nag un:
Prynu'n bywyd, talu'n dyled,
  A'n glanhau â'i waed ei hun:
Frodyr, dewch, llawenhewch,
Diolchwch iddo, byth na thewch!

Dyma'r Cyfaill mwyn a'n cofiodd
  Ac a'n carodd cyn bod byd;
Dyma'r Oen a ddaeth o'r nefoedd,
  Ac a'n prynodd ni mor ddrud:
Tra bôm fyw, dyled yw
Cofio cariad pur Mab Duw.

Nawr mae yn y nefoedd uchod
  Yn par'toi i'w briod le,
Pan ddêl hon i fod yn aeddfed,
  Hi gaiff fyned ato fe;
Fe a'i tyn, fyny i'r bryn,
Lle 'roedd ei chalon hi cyn hyn.

Pechod, blinder a phob gelyn
  A ffy wedyn byth i ffwrdd,
Cawn ddiddanwch a llawenydd,
  Ni ddaw cystudd mwy i'n cwrdd,
Cawn mewn hoen, byth heb boen,
Ganu concwest gwaed yr Oen.
Ca'dd :: Ca's
chwblhau :: mawrhau

Dafydd Jones 1711-77
p.2: ? Morgan Rhys 1716-79

Allein's (<1835)
Dretzel (Kornelius H Dretzel 1697-1775)
Groeswen (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Moldavia (alaw Ellmynig)
Revel (Robert Ellis 1816-93)
Wyddgrug (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)

  Dyma'r hen ddewid hyfryd
  Mawr oedd Iesu yn yr arfaeth

(The Messiah of the Prophets)
Behold we got the Messiah,
  The most valuable friend ever;
From Moses and the prophets came to pass
  What was said about him before he came:
Jesus he is, the true Son of God,
Friend and Redeemer of humankind.

Here is the old delightful promise
  He crushed the serpent's head sorely;
Eternal victory is found
  Over mortality, through the Son of God:
Throughout my age, in every anguish,
My soul, sing about the blood of the cross!

This is the Lamb, on the summit of Calvary
  He went to the slaughter in our place,
The sum of our great debt he paid
  And he crossed the bills of heaven;
Through his blood, that we might have
Everlasting peace and freedom.

Righteousness was satisfied,
  The law was fulfilled;
God and we, who were enemies,
  Let the two be made peaceable:
It is finished; now is the curtain
Torn from the earth to the sky.

Here is a friend who deserves to be loved,
  And more worthy of praise than anyone:
Purchasing our life, paying our debt,
  And cleansing us with his own blood:
Brothers, come, rejoice,
Thank him, never be silent!

Here is the gentle Friend who remembered us
  And who loved us before the world was;
Here is the Lamb who came from the heavens,
  And who bought us so dearly:
As long as we live, it is a duty
To remember the pure love of the Son of God.

Now he is in heaven above
  Preparing for her proper place,
When she comes to be maturing,
  She shall get to go to him;
He will draw her, up to the hill,
Where her heart was before this.

Sin, exhaustion and every enemy
  Shall flee then forever away,
We shall get comfort and joy,
  Affliction shall come no more to meet us,
We shall get in glee, forever without pain,
To sing the victory of the Lamb's blood.
fulfilled :: honoured

tr. 2008,23 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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