Wele Iesu mawr ei hunan

(Gobaith yr holl ddaear)
Wele Iesu mawr ei hunan
  Draw yn hongian ar y groes!
Wele Obaith yr holl ddaear
  Wedi dyoddef angau loes!
Wele noddfa pechaduriaid,
  Wele Feddyg, wele fan
Y caf wella'r holl archollion
  Dyfnion sydd ar f'enaid gwan.

Gorfoleddwch, holl blant dynion,
  A chlodforwch Frenin ni';
Iesu Grist, fu dan yr hoelion,
  Roes ei einioes yn eich lle:
Drws sydd wedi'i agor ichwi,
  Nid oes neb a all ei gau;
Gellwch oll, trwy ffydd yn Iesu,
  Gael yn rhad eich cyfiawnhau.
Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844

Tôn [8787D]: Mount of Olives (William L Viner 1790-1867)

gwelir: Gorfoleddwch holl blant dynion

(The Hope of the whole earth)
See great Jesus himself
  Yonder hanging on the cross!
See the Hope of all the earth
  Having suffered the throes of death!
See the refuge of sinner,
  See a Physician, see a place
I may get all healed all the deep
  Wounds which my weak soul has.

Rejoice, all ye children of men,
  And acclaim the King of heaven;
Jesus Christ, who was under the nails,
  Who gave his life in your place:
A door which has been opened for you,
  That no-one can shut;
Ye may all, through faith in Jesus,
  Get justified freely.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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