Wele yn dyfod ar y cwmmwl (Mawr yw'r enw ...)
Wele'n dyfod ar y cwmwl (Mawr yw'r enw ...)

Lo he comes with clouds descending

1,2,3;  1,2,4,5,(6,7,8);  1,2,5,(6,(8));  1,2,6,(5).
(Dydd y Farn)
Wele'n dyfod ar y cwmwl
  Mawr yw'r enw sy iddo'n awr;
Ar ei fraich ac ar ei forddwyd
  Ysgrifenwyd ef i lawr;
  Groesaw, groesaw, addfwyn Oen.

Mil o filoedd, myrdd myrddiynau,
  O gwmpeini hardd eu gwedd,
Welaf draw yn codi fyny
  I'w gyfarfod Ef o'r bedd:
    Darfu galar;
  Dyma iachawdwriaeth lawn.

Gwelir Iesu'n ogoneddus
  Yn ei ailddyfodiad glân;
Gwelir miloed iddo'n plygu
  Na phlygasant iddo o'r blaen:
    Gwelir hefyd
  Fyrdd yn dechreu llawenhau.

Dacw'r Brenin mawr ei hunan,
  Yn adnabod pob yr un;
Dacw bawb yn tynu fyny,
  Yn union ato Ef ei hun:
    Cariad perffaith,
  Bellach cai deyrnasu byth.

Nid oes yno gofio beiau;
  Dim ond llawn faddeuant rhad,
Poenau'r groes,
      a grym y cariad,
  A rhinweddau maith y gwaed;
    Darfu ofni,
  Daeth llawenydd yn ei le.

Dewch ymlaen, a dewch yn eon,
  Fendigedig blant fy Nhad;
Dewch, meddiennwch yr ardaloedd
  Brynwyd i chwi oll â'm gwaed;
    Dewch yn llawen:
  Rhodd yw hon
      cyn seilio'r byd.

Dewch derbyniwch yma goron
  Bur anniflandedig wiw,
Dim yn unig ond o gariad,
  Roddwyd i chwi gan eich Duw:
  Cy'd a hyny
      pery'ch braint.

Buoch gyda mi yn fy nghofid,
  Gydâ mi yn fy mhoenau gyd,
Buoch yn gyfeillion ffyddlon
  I'm gw'radwyddiad yn y byd;
    Yfwch bellach,
  Loew win yn nhŷ fy Nhad.
Groesaw, groesaw :: Croesaw, croesaw :: Croeso, croeso
Welaf draw :: Wela'i draw
cai :: gaiff
Darfu ofni :: Darfu tristwch :: Darfu ofn
yn eon :: yn orfoleddus
oll â'm gwaed :: â fy ngwa'd

efel. William Williams 1717-91
Y Seren Ddydd 1852 / Casgliad Daniel Jones 1863

Tonau [878747]:
Caersalem (alaw Gymreig)
Eli (Michael Costa (1808-84)
Frankfort (Philipp Nicolai 1556-1608)
Helmsley (Lock Hosital Collection 1769)
Lusatia (<1875)
Newbury (<1875)
St Garmon (E M Price 1816-98)
Westbury (<1824)

  Dechrau canu dechrau canmol
  (F')enaid egwan paid ag ofni ('Dyw d'elynion ...)
  Nid oes yno gofio beiau
  Rhwng cymylau duon tywyll
  Trwy y niwl a'r tew gymylau
  Tyred hyfryd foreu tawel

(The Day of Judgment)
See coming on the cloud
  Great is the name he has now;
On his arm and on his thigh
  It is written down;
  Welcome, welcome, gentle Lamb.

A thousand thousands, a myriad myriads,
  Of a company of beautiful countenance,
I see yonder rising up
  To welcome Him from the grave:
    Mourning passes away;
  Here is full salvation.

Jesus is to be seen glorious
  In his holy second coming;
Thousands are to be seen bowing
  Who had not bowed to him before:
    To be seen also are
  A myriad beginning to rejoice.

Behold the great King himself,
  Knowing every one;
Behold everyone growing up,
  Directly to Him himself:
    Perfect love,
  Henceforth gets to reign forever.

There is here no remembering of faults;
  Only full, free forgiveness,
The pains of the cross,
      and the force of the love,
  And the vast virtues of the blood;
    Fearing passed away,
  Joy has come in its place.

Come on, and come without fear,
  Blessed children of my Father;
Come, possess the regions
  Bought for you all with my blood;
    Come in joy:
  A gift is this
      before the foundation of the world.

Come ye, receive ye here a crown
  Pure, unvanishing, worthy,
Not only but of love,
  Given to you by your God:
  As long as this
      shall your privilege endure.

Ye were with me in my grief,
  With me in all my pains,
Ye were faithful friends
  To my shame in the world;
    Drink ye henceforth,
  Clear wine in my Father's house.
:: ::
Fearing passed away :: Sadness passed away :: Fear passed away
without fear :: jubilantly
all with my blood :: with my blood

tr. 2009,16 Richard B Gillion

("Come, ye blessed.")
Lo! He comes on clouds of glory,
  Circled by an angel-throng
Who proclaim His lofty titles
  With their trumpets, loud and long.
  Welcome, welcome, Son of Man!

Thousand thousands, myriad myriads
  Bright attendants on the Lord,
See I rising from corruption,
  At the mighty signal-word:
    Farewell, sadness,
  Full redemption now is come.

There for sin is no upbraiding,
  Nought but pardon full and free:
Nought but his deep
    love, and merit
  Shall now unforgotten be;
    Fear hath vanished,
  Joy and rapture overflow.

"Come, ye faithful servants, enter,
  Blessed children of your God:
Come, receive eternal mansions,
  Purchased for you with my blood!
    Come and welcome,
  Now my love
      is satisfied."


tr. 1854 Joseph Morris

see also:
Lo he comes with clouds descending
(Charles Wesley 1707-88)

Lo he cometh countless trumpets
(John Cennick 1718-55)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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