Wele'n dyfod ar y cwmwl Mawr yw'r enw sy iddo'n awr; Ar ei fraich ac ar ei forddwyd Ysgrifenwyd ef i lawr; Haleluia! Groesaw, groesaw, addfwyn Oen. Mil o filoedd, myrdd myrddiynau, O gwmpeini hardd eu gwedd, Welaf draw yn codi fyny I'w gyfarfod Ef o'r bedd: Darfu galar; Dyma iachawdwriaeth lawn. Gwelir Iesu'n ogoneddus Yn ei ailddyfodiad glân; Gwelir miloed iddo'n plygu Na phlygasant iddo o'r blaen: Gwelir hefyd Fyrdd yn dechreu llawenhau. Dacw'r Brenin mawr ei hunan, Yn adnabod pob yr un; Dacw bawb yn tynu fyny, Yn union ato Ef ei hun: Cariad perffaith, Bellach cai deyrnasu byth. Nid oes yno gofio beiau; Dim ond llawn faddeuant rhad, Poenau'r groes, a grym y cariad, A rhinweddau maith y gwaed; Darfu ofni, Daeth llawenydd yn ei le. Dewch ymlaen, a dewch yn eon, Fendigedig blant fy Nhad; Dewch, meddiennwch yr ardaloedd Brynwyd i chwi oll â'm gwaed; Dewch yn llawen: Rhodd yw hon cyn seilio'r byd. Dewch derbyniwch yma goron Bur anniflandedig wiw, Dim yn unig ond o gariad, Roddwyd i chwi gan eich Duw: Tragwyddoldeb, Cy'd a hyny pery'ch braint. Buoch gyda mi yn fy nghofid, Gydâ mi yn fy mhoenau gyd, Buoch yn gyfeillion ffyddlon I'm gw'radwyddiad yn y byd; Yfwch bellach, Loew win yn nhŷ fy Nhad. Welaf draw :: Wela'i draw cai :: gaiff Darfu ofni :: Darfu tristwch :: Darfu ofn yn eon :: yn orfoleddus oll â'm gwaed :: â fy ngwa'd
efel. William Williams 1717-91
Tonau [878747]:
gwelir: |
See coming on the cloud Great is the name he has now; On his arm and on his thigh It is written down; Hallelujah! Welcome, welcome, gentle Lamb. A thousand thousands, a myriad myriads, Of a company of beautiful countenance, I see yonder rising up To welcome Him from the grave: Mourning passes away; Here is full salvation. Jesus is to be seen glorious In his holy second coming; Thousands are to be seen bowing Who had not bowed to him before: To be seen also are A myriad beginning to rejoice. Behold the great King himself, Knowing every one; Behold everyone growing up, Directly to Him himself: Perfect love, Henceforth gets to reign forever. There is here no remembering of faults; Only full, free forgiveness, The pains of the cross, and the force of the love, And the vast virtues of the blood; Fearing passed away, Joy has come in its place. Come on, and come without fear, Blessed children of my Father; Come, possess the regions Bought for you all with my blood; Come in joy: A gift is this before the foundation of the world. Come ye, receive ye here a crown Pure, unvanishing, worthy, Not only but of love, Given to you by your God: Eternity, As long as this shall your privilege endure. Ye were with me in my grief, With me in all my pains, Ye were faithful friends To my shame in the world; Drink ye henceforth, Clear wine in my Father's house. :: :: Fearing passed away :: Sadness passed away :: Fear passed away without fear :: jubilantly all with my blood :: with my blood tr. 2009,16 Richard B Gillion |
Lo! He comes on clouds of glory, Circled by an angel-throng Who proclaim His lofty titles With their trumpets, loud and long. Hallelujah, Welcome, welcome, Son of Man! Thousand thousands, myriad myriads Bright attendants on the Lord, See I rising from corruption, At the mighty signal-word: Farewell, sadness, Full redemption now is come. There for sin is no upbraiding, Nought but pardon full and free: Nought but his deep love, and merit Shall now unforgotten be; Fear hath vanished, Joy and rapture overflow. "Come, ye faithful servants, enter, Blessed children of your God: Come, receive eternal mansions, Purchased for you with my blood! Come and welcome, Now my love is satisfied." tr. 1854 Joseph Morris
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