Wele'n sefyll rhwng y myrtwydd

1,2,(3,(5));  1,3,4.
(Rhosyn Saron) / (Crist oll yn Hawddgar)
Wele'n sefyll rhwng y myrtwydd
  Wrthrych teilwng o fy mryd;
Er mai o ran, yr wy'n adnabod
  Ei fod uwchlaw gwrthrychau'r byd:
    Henffych fore
  Y caf ei weled fel y mae.

Rhosyn Saron yw ei enw,
  Gwyn a gwridog, teg o bryd;
Ar ddeng mil y mae'n rhagori
  O wrthrychau penna'r byd:
    Ffrind pechadur,
  Dyma ei beilat ar y môr.

Beth sy imi mwy a wnelwyf
  Ag eilunod gwael y llawr?
Tystio'r wyf nad yw eu cwmni
  I'w cystadlu â Iesu mawr:
    O! am aros
  Yn ei gariad ddyddiau f'oes.

'Chlywodd clust, ni welodd llygad,
  Ac ni ddaeth i galon dyn,
Feddwl nac erioed ddychymyg
  Y fath ydyw Ef ei hun:
    Tecach ragor
  Yw na welodd nef na llawr.

Gwelaf graig a'm deil mewn stormydd
  O gawodydd dwfr a thân;
Yn wyneb uffern a'i rhythriadau,
  Holl breswylwyr hon a gân:
    Cadarn sylfaen
  A osodwyd gan y Tad.
o fy mryd :: o'm holl fryd
Wrthrych :: Wrthddrych
Er mai o ran :: Er o'r braidd
Y caf :: Caf
fel y mae :: heb un llen
teg o bryd :: hardd ei bryd
wrthrychau penna :: wrthddrychau pena
ei beilat :: 'r peilat :: ein llywydd :: 'm Llywydd
Beth sy imi :: Beth sydd i mi
I'w cystadlu â :: Yw cymharu â'm
rhythriadau :: rhuthriadau

1-3: Ann Griffiths 1776-1805
4 : William Williams 1717-91
5 : John Hughes 1775-1854

Tonau [878747]:
Blaencefn (John Thomas 1839-1922)
Bridport (J A Lloyd 1815-84)
Calfari (Samuel Stanley 1767-1822)
Crwys (Huw Warren)
Cwm Rhondda (John Hughes 1873-1932)
Ederynion/Edeyrnion (hen alaw Gymreig)
Goss (J Goss 1800-80)
Llwynbedw (J T Rees 1857-1949)
Requiem (W A F Schulthes 1816-79)
Rousseaus's Dream (Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1712-78)
Tydfil (<1869)
Verona (alaw Almaenaidd)
Vesper (alaw Rwsiaidd)

  Anweledig 'r wy'n dy garu
  Beth sydd imi mwy a wnelwyf?
  Gwelaf graig a'm deil mewn stormydd
  Peraidd ganodd sêr y bore

(Rose of Sharon) / (Christ altogether Lovely)
See he stands among the myrtles
  Object worthy of my heart;
Although in part, I know
  He is above the objects of the world:
    Hail the morning
  I saw him as he is.

Rose of Sharon is his name,
  White and rosy, fair of heart;
Than ten thousand he is better
  Of objects the world prescribes:
    A sinner's Friend,
  Here is his pilot on the sea.

What is there more for me to do
  With wretched idols of the earth?
I testify that there company is not
  To compete with great Jesus:
    O to stay
  In his love the days of my life!

No ear heard, nor any eye saw,
  And never came to the heart of man,
The thought nor ever the imagining
  Of the kind that He himself is:
    Exceedingly fairer
  He is than heaven or earth saw.

I see a rock which keeps me in storms
  Of showers of water and fire;
In the face of hell and its assaults,
  All its residents who sing:
    A strong foundation
  Which was laid by the Father.
of my heart :: of all my heart
Although in part :: Although almost
as he is :: without one curtain
fair of appearance :: beautiful his appearance
his pilot :: the pilot :: our director :: my Director
To compete with :: To compare with my

tr. 2008,16 Richard B Gillion

(Rose of Sharon)
There he stands among the myrtles,
  Worthiest object of my love.
tr. H A Hodges 1905-76

Lo, between the myrtles standing,
  One who merits well my love.
tr. H Idris Bell 1879–1967

Lo, between the myrtles standing,
  One who merits all my love.
tr. Jane Owen 1899-1992
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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