Wele'r ddyled wedi'i thalu

(Y Pasg)
Wele'r ddyled wedi'i thalu!
  Dacw'r ddraig a'i phen yn friw!
Meichiau anwyl pechaduriaid
  Wedi d'od o'r bedd yn fyw;
    Digon yw, Iesu gwiw,
  Gwelir Seion dlawd o'i briw.

Wele'r ddaear faith yn crynu!
  Saint yn d'od o'u gwely pridd!
Bedd yn wag, heb ddim ond ll'einiau,
  Brawf i'r Iesu gael y dydd!
    Brwydr yw 'nillodd Duw,
  Cedwir euog ddyn yn fyw.

Wele angeu heb ei golyn
  Boreu llon y trydydd dydd!
Allwe'r bedd wrth wregys Iesu!
  Plant marwolaeth ddnt yn rhydd:
    Ni gawn wledd, nefol hedd,
  Drylliodd Iesu byrth y bedd.
Hymnau ... yr Eglwys (Daniel Evans) 1883

Tonau [8787337]:
Gilead (John Roberts 187-76)
Groeswen (John A Lloyd 1815-74)

See the debt having been paid!
  Yonder is the dragon
        with its head wounded!
The dear surety of sinners
  Having come from the grave alive;
    Sufficient it is, worthy Jesus,
  For poor Zion to be seen
        free from her wound.

See the vast earth trembling!
  Saints coming from their bed of soil!
Grave empty, without nothing but sheets,
  Proof that Jesus won the day!
    The battle it is that God won,
  Guilty man is seen alive.

See death without its sting
  On the cheerful morn of the third day!
The keys of the grave at the belt of Jesus!
  The children of mortality they come free:
    We shall have a feast, heavenly peace,
  Jesus smashed the portals of the grave.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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