Wele'r dydd ofnadwy'n dyfod (I falurio'r ddaear ddrwg)

(Dyfodiad Crist i'r Farn)
Wele'r dydd ofnadwy'n dyfod
  I falurio'r ddaear ddrwg,
I boeth losgi lloches pechod,
  Wele'r mellt, y tân,
        a'r mwg;
    Clyw'r taranau,
  Draw yn hollti'r ddaear goch.

Gweled miloedd o gymylau
  Trwy'r uchelder oll ar dân,
Gweled myrdd o drist wynebau
  Gan y gwres yn duo'u grân;
    Mor ofnadwy,
  Ydyw'r olwg ddirfawr hon!

Fe â'n daear faith yn danllwyth,
  Berwa'r eigion mawr yn grych;
Llosg yr annuwiolion diffrwyth
  Drwy'r holl fyd fel sofl sych:
    Gweision pechod,
  Ble mae'r hen ddigrifwch 'nawr?

Dwys ystyriwch, bechaduriaid,
  Beth a wnewch pan ddęl y dydd!
Ffowch at Grist am wir ymwared,
  Ffowch, O ffowch, ar aden ffydd;
    Crist a geidw,
  Bawb a greadant ynddo Ef.

            - - - - -

Wele'r dydd ofnadwy'n dyfod
  I falurio'r ddaear ddrwg,
I lwyr losgi lloches pechod,
  Wele'r mellt, y tân,
      a'r mŵg:
    Mor ofnadwy,
  Fydd yr olwg ddirfawr hon!

Aiff ein daear faith yn danllwyth,
  Berwa'r eigion mawr yn grych;
Llysg yr annuwiolion diffrwyth,
  Trwy'r holl fyd, fel sofol sych:
    Weision pechod,
  Y mae'r diwrnod yn nesâu!

Dwys ystyriwch, bechaduriaid,
  Beth a wnewch pan ddel y dydd:
Ffowch at Grist am wir ymwared;
  Ffowch, O ffowch ar aden ffydd:
    Crist a geidw,
  Bawb a greadant ynddo Ef.
Benjamin Francis 1734-99

Tonau [878747]:
Calfaria (Samuel Stanley 1767-1822)
Coetmor (R S Hughes 1855-93)
Helmsley (Select Hymns 1765)
Jordan (<1845)
Mariner's (alaw Italaidd)
Triumph (H J Gauntlett 1805-76)

(The Coming of Christ to the Judgment)
See the terrible day coming
  To crush the evil earth,
Hotly to burn the refuge of sin,
  See the lightning, the fire,
        and the smoke;
    Hear the thunders
  Yonder splitting the red earth.

See thousands of clouds
  Throughout the height all on fire,
See a myriad of sad faces
  By the heat blackening their aspect;
    How terrible,
  Is this immense sight!

Our vast earth will become a conflagration,
  The great oceans shall boil and bubble;
The fruitless ungodly shall burn
  Through the whole world like dry stubble:
    Servants of sin,
  Where is the old pleasure now?

Consider intently, sinners,
  What ye will do when the day comes!
Flee to Christ for true deliverance,
  Flee, O flee ye, on the wing of faith;
    Christ shall save,
  All who believer in him.

                 - - - - -

See the terrible day coming
  To crush the evil earth,
Completely to burn the refuge of sin,
  See the lightning, the fire,
      and the smoke:
    How terrible,
  Shall be this immense sight!

Our vast earth shall become a conflagration,
  The great oceans shall boil and bubble;
The fruitless ungodly shall burn,
  Through the whole world, like dry stubble:
    Ye servants of sin,
  The day is approaching!

Consider intently, sinners,
  What ye shall do when the day comes:
Flee to Christ for true deliverance;
  Flee, O flee ye on the wing of faith:
    Christ shall save,
  All who believe in him.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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