Wrth d'ystlys di O Arglwydd cu

(Crist, drws a sylwedd y nefoedd.)
'Wrth d'ystlys di, O Arglwydd cu
Mae holl allweddau'r nefoedd fry
  A myrdd i mewn, etto nid un
  Ond dy rai anwyl di dy hun.

'Rwyf finnau'n teithio
    i'r bythol fyd;
Nis gwn nad nesaf wyf i gyd
  I ddadleu'n wyneb angeu du
  Na feddaf enw ond tydi.

Beth byna'm swydd o fewn y ne',
Beth byna'm gradd, p'le byna'm lle,
  Yr holl hapusrwydd geisiaf fry
  Fydd cadw'm golwg arnat ti.

Pe gado'r nef wnai f'Arglwydd cu,
Tywyllai'r nef fel uffern ddu;
  'Does angel, sant, na seraph un,
  Yn ddisglaer yno o hono'i hun.

'Dyw deall cwmni'r
    nef ynghyd,
A'r saint goleuaf
    sy'n y byd,
  Yn ddim mewn nerth i chwilio i maes
  Ogoniant Iesu Grist a'i ras.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Beza (<1869)
Sebastian (D Vetter / J S Bach)

(Christ, the door and substance of heaven.)
By thy side, O dear Lord
Are all the keys of heaven above
  With a myriad inside, still not one
  But thy own beloved ones.

I too am travelling
    to the everlasting world;
I do not know at all whether I am next
  To argue in the face of black death
  That I possess no name but thee.

Whatever be my role within heaven,
Whatever be my grade, wherever be my place,
  All the happiness I seek above
  Shall be to keep my sight upon thee.

If my dear Lord were to leave heaven,
Heaven would darken like black hell;
  There is no angel, saint, nor any seraph,
  Radiant there of himself.

The understanding of neither the
    company of heaven altogether,
Nor of the brightest saints
    that are in the world,
  Is anything in strength to search out
  The glory of Jesus Christ and his grace.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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