Wela'i neb o'm holl gyfeillion

Wela'i neb o'm holl gyfeillion
  A ddaw'n dawel gyda mi,
Ac a ddeil fy mhen i fyny
  Yn nyfhderoedd angeu du:
Cloddiwyd Maen mewn arfaeth gadarn,
  Draw, ryw oesoedd cyn fy mod,
Hwnw ddeil fy mhen i fyny,
  Fel na syllir dim o'm troed.

Trof fy wyneb i Galfaria,
  Yno gwelaf gysur llawn;
Gwelaf yno un yn marw,
  Ac yn talu perffaith iawn:
Dim ond golwg ar y Meichiau
  Ddaw â'm henaid llesg i'r lan,
Ac a bair i'm holl elynion
  Golli eu gafael yn y fan.

Ffarwel, ddaear, a'i thrysorau,
  Myn'd yr wyf tua
      thir fy ngwlad;
Wyneb Iesu yn yr afon
  Sathra Satan dan fy nhraed:
Gwel'd yr Arch a'r Drugareddfa -
  Iesu mawr, y canol Wr,
Wna i'm henaid innau waeddi,
  "Buddugoliaeth" yn y dŵr.

Gair o enau'r Nef ei hunan
  Sydd yn eisieu arnaf fi;
Gair a godo'm henaid eiddil
  'Nawr i'r lan o'r pydew du;
Gair a doro faglau filoedd,
  Ac a'm rhoddo ar fy nhraed;
Gair a wnelo i mi'n groyw
  Ganu am iachawdwriaeth rad.

Fel y moroedd mae'th drugaredd,
  Annherfynol yw dy ras;
Anchwiliadwy yw dy gariad
  I'r pechadur gwaela' i maes:
O'r dyfnderoedd codaist finnau
  Yn dy freichiau lawer pryd,
Ac a wnęst i'm henaid ganu
  'Ngwyneb gorthrymderau'r byd.
Llyfr Hymnau (Calfinaidd) 1869

Tonau [8787D]:
Bavaria (F Mendelssohn-Bartholdy 1809-47)
Bohemia (Darmstädter Gesangbuch 1698)
Meribah (alaw Gymreig/Ffrengig)
Tantum Ergo (Vincent Novello 1781-1861)

I see none of all my friends
  Who will come quietly with me,
And who will hold my head up
  In the depths of black death:
A Stone was buried in a firm scheme,
  Yonder, some ages before I was,
That shall hold my head up,
  That my feet are not to be moved.

I turn my face to Calvary,
  There I see full comfort;
I see there one dying,
  And paying a perfect ransom:
Only a look upon the Surety
  Shall bring my feeble soul up,
And shall cause all my enemies
  Lose their grasp soon.

Farewell, earth, and its treasures,
  Going I am towards the
      territory of my land;
The face of Jesus in the river
  Shall trample Satan under my feet:
Seeing the Ark and the Mercy-seat -
  Great Jesus, the central Man,
Makes my own soul shout,
  "Victory" in the water.

A word from the Chief's own mouth
  Is what I need;
A word shall raise my feeble soul
  Up now from the black pit;
A word shall lift thousands of snares,
  And put me on my feet;
A word shall make me purely
  Sing about free salvation.

Like the sees is thy mercy,
  Unbounded is thy grace;
Unsearchable is thy love
  To the worst sinner there is:
From the depths thou didst lift me
  In thy arms many a time,
And madest my soul sing
  In the face of the world's afflictions.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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