Wel dyma'r wlad yr hyfryd wlad

(Yr Hyfryd Wlad)
Wel dyma'r wlad, yr hyfryd wlad,
Roed im' yn etifeddiaeth rad;
  Caf fyw y'nghanol
      bythol ddydd,
  Heb ofni nos gysgodion prudd.

    O hyfryd wlad, O hyfryd wlad,
    Roed i'm yn etifeddiaeth rad;
      Rwy'n edrych draw,
          rwy'n edrych draw,
      Ar heirdd drigfanau'r
          byd a ddaw.
    Rwy'n gwel'd yn glir,
        rwy'n gwel'd yn glir,
    Fy nghartref yn y nefol dir.

Mae y Gwaredwr gyda mi,
A melus yw'n cyfeillach ni;
  Fe'm tywys yn ei dyner law,
  'Rym ar derfynau'r byd a ddaw.

Mae peraroglau gwlad y dydd,
Yn cerdded gyda'r awel rydd;
  Mae'r oll yn dweyd ein bod yn wir,
  Fel ar derfynau'r
      nefol dir.

Mae sain caniadau'r
    dyrfa fawr,
Yn tori ar fy nghlyw yn awr;
  Mae cymysg leisiau
      engyl glân,
  A seintaiu yn y nefol gân.
cyf. Watkin Hezekiah Williams (Watcyn Wyn) 1844-1905

Tôn: Beulah Land (John R Sweeney 1837-99)

(The Delightful Land)
See here is the land, the delightful land,
Given to me as a free inheritance;
  I will get to live in the middle
      of everlasting day,
  Without fear of night of sad shadows.

    O delightful land, O delightful land,
    Given to me as a free inheritance;
      I am looking yonder,
          I am looking yonder,
      On the beautiful dwellings of the
          world to come.
    I am seeing clearly,
        I am seeing clearly,
    My home in the heavenly country.

The Deliverer is with me,
And sweet is our friendship;
  He leads me in his tender hand,
  I am on the borders of the coming world.

The sweet aromas of the land of day are
Walking with the free breeze;
  They all are saying that we are truly,
  As on the borders of the
      heavenly country.

The sound of the songs
    of the great throng are
Breaking on my hearing now;
  There is a mixture of voices
      of holy angels,
  With saints in the heavenly song.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
(Beulah Land)
I've reached the land of corn and wine,
And all its riches freely mine;
  Here shines undimmed
      one blissful day,
  For all my night has passed away.

    O Beulah Land, sweet Beulah Land,
    As on thy highest mount I stand,
      I look away
          across the sea,
      Where mansions are
          prepared for me,
    And view the shining
        glory shore,
    My Heav'n, my home forever more!

My Saviour comes and walks with me,
And sweet communion here have we;
  He gently leads me by His hand,
  For this is Heaven's border land.

A sweet perfume upon the breeze,
Is borne from ever vernal trees,
  And flow'rs, that never fading grow
  Where streams of life
      forever flow.

The zephyrs seem to
    float to me,
Sweet sounds to Heaven's melody,
  As angels with the
      white robed throng
  Join in the sweet redemption song.
1876 Edgar P Stites 1836-1921

Tune: Beulah Land (John R Sweeney 1837-99)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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