Wel weithian c'od fy enaid cu

1,2,3,5,6;  1,2,3,4,5.
(Haeddiant Iesu)
Wel, weithian cod, fy enaid cu,
Dy lygaid tua'r nefoedd fry,
  Gwel yr anfeidrol berffaith Iawn
  Sy'n maddeu'th bechod oll yn llawn.

Y moroedd mawr a'r ddaear faith,
A llu'r ffurfafen, yw ei waith;
  Er hyny, rhodd ei fywyd cu
  I angeu chwerw drosof fi.

Y dwylaw wnaeth yr wybren lâs
Allasent gadw angeu i maes;
  Ond ufuddhaodd iddo'n rhydd,
  I gariad perffaith gario'r dydd.

Dyfnderoedd annhraethadwy mwy,
Didrai, difesur,
    sy'n ei glwy';
  Ein hanwireddau ddarfu ddwyn,
  A ninnau'n rhyddion er ei fwyn.

Mae haeddiant fy Iachawdwr mawr,
Yn dioddef poen rhwng nef a llawr,
  Filiynau maith
      yn fwy ei rin
  Na haeddiant seintiau'r
      byd yn un.

Wel, dyma'r awr y talodd ef
Ofynion mwyaf, tryma'r nef;
  Yn awr, mae'r carcharorion prudd
  Yn llawen hyfryd ddod yn rhydd.
dwylaw :: dwylo
wybren :: wybr
A all'sai :: Allasent

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Beza (<1869)
Hursley (Katholisches Gesangbuch c.1774)
Magdeburgh (Geistliche Gesänge 1544)
Melcombe (Samuel Webbe 1740-1816)

Tôn [8888+88]: Langadock (<1811)

  Daeth arfaeth fawr y nef i ben
  Mae Brenin nef ar fyr yn d'od
  P'le mae tosturi tan y nef
  Y moroedd mawr a'r ddaear faith

(The Merit of Jesus)
See, henceforth raise, my dear soul,
Thy eyes towards heaven above,
  See the infinite, perfect Surety
  Who is forgiving all sin fully.

The great seas and the vast earth,
And the host of the firmament, is his work;
  Despite this, he gave his dear life
  To bitter death for me.

The hands that made the blue sky
They could have kept death away;
  But he was obedient to it freely,
  For perfect love to carry the day.

Unutterable depths evermore,
Unebbing, immeasurable,
    which are in his wound;
  It was our falsehoods he took away,
  And we who are free for his sake.

The merit of my great Saviour,
Suffering pain between heaven and earth,
  Is vast millions of times
      of greater virtue
  Than the merit of the saints
      of the world as one.

See, here is hour he paid
The greatest, heaviest demands of heaven;
  Now, the sad prisoners are
  Delightfully cheerfully coming free.

tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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