Wele angau llym a'i gledd
Wele angau llym ei gledd
Wele angau llym ei gledd Haleluia

(Esgyniad Crist i'r Nefoedd)
1,2,(3),4,5;  1,2,4,5,(6).
Wele angau llym ei gledd,
Wele agoriadau'r bedd;
  Wele nef a daear lawr,
  Dàn awdurdod Iesu mawr.

Fry esgynnodd Prynwr dyn
Drwy Ei werthfawr waed Ei Hun;
  Dwyn tystiolaeth wnaeth y nef
  I fawr werth Ei aberth Ef.

Daeth angylion llon ger llaw,
Seinient drwy'r uchelder draw,
  "Agor, nef, dy byrth yn awr!
  Daw i mewn y Brenin mawr!"

Eistedd mae'n Cyfryngwr mawr
Ar orseddfa'r nef yn awr;
  Yno'n dadleu'i angeu drud -
  Iawn digonol dros y byd.

Prynedigaeth dynol-ryw
A orphenodd Iesu gwiw:
  Pob ymadrodd yn un iaith
  Canent mwy Ei foliant maith.

Mawl a fo i Grist ein Nêr,
A esgynnodd uwch y sêr,
  Ac i'r Tad a'r Ysbryd Glân -
  Tri yn Un yn ddiwahân.

Boed gogoniant fyth i'r Tad,
Boed gogoniant i'r Mab rhad;
  Moliant boed i'r Yspryd Glân
  Byth, tra b'o na chwyth na chân.
angau llym ei gledd :: angau llym a'i gledd
            - - - - -

Wele angau llym ei gledd,
Wele agoriadau'r bedd
  Wele nef a daear lawr,
  Tan awdurdod Iesu mawr,

Fry esgynodd Mab y dyn,
Trwy ei werthfawr waed ei hun;
  Dwyn tystiolaeth wnaeth y Nef
  I fawr werth ei aberth Ef.

Eistedd ein Cyfryngwr mawr
Ar orseddfa'r nef yn awr;
  Cynnrychioli mae'r Mab rhad,
  Bawb o'r holl grediniol had.

Gwaith gorphenol Iesu yw
Prynedigaeth dynolryw:
  Pob ymadrodd yn un iaith
  Canent mwy ei foliant maith.

            - - - - -

Wele angau llym ei gledd,
Wele agoriadau'r bedd
  Wele nef a daear lawr,
  Tan awdurdod Iesu mawr.

Fry esgynodd Mab y dyn,
Trwy ei werthfawr waed ei hun;
  Dwyn tystiolaeth wnaeth y nef,
  I fawr werth ei aberth ef.

Eistedd mae'n Cyfryngwr mawr,
Ar orseddfa'r nef yn awr;
  Cynrychioli mae'r Mab rhad,
  Pawb a gredant yn ei waed.

Daeth angylion llon gerllaw,
Seinient trwy'r uchelder draw;
  "Agor 'nawr dy byrth ar led
  I roesawu Brenin crêd."

Prynedigaeth dynol-ryw
A orphennodd Iesu gwiw;
  Pob ymadrodd yn un-iaith,
  Canant mwy ei foliant maith.
Robert Williams (Robert ap Gwilym Ddu) 1766-1850

Tonau [7777]:
Cookham (old melody)
Corinth (Freylinghausen Gesangbuch)
Cyprus (Felix Mendelssohn 1809-47)
Durham (alaw Eglwysig)
Llanfyllin (<1875)
Melton (Jonathan Battishill 1708-1801)
University College (H J Gauntlett 1805-76)

Tôn (+ Alelwia!) [77774]: Würtemburg
    (Johann Rosenmüller 1615-84)

Tonau (+ Haleliwia!) [7474D]:
Easter Hymn (Lyra Davidica 1708)
Easter Hymn (W H Monk 1823-89)
Llanfair (Robert Williams 1782-1818)

(The Ascension of Christ to Heaven)
See death with its sharp sword,
See the keys of the grave;
  See heaven and earth below
  Under the authority of great Jesus.

Up ascended the Redeemer of man
Through His own valuable blood;
  Bear testimony did heaven
  To the great worth of His sacrifice.

Cheerful angels came at hand,
They sounded throughout yonder heights,
  "Open, heaven, thy portals now!
  The great King comes in!"

Sitting is our great Mediator
On the throne of heaven now;
  There arguing his costly blood -
  A sufficient Ransom for the world.

The redemption of human-kind
Worthy Jesus has finished:
  Every report in any language
  Let them sing evermore His vast praise.

Praise be to Christ our Lord,
Who ascended above the stars,
  And to the Father and the Holy Spirit -
  Three in One undivided.

Let glory be forever to the Father,
Let glory be to the gracious Son;
  Praise let there be to the Holy Spirit
  Forever, while there be breath or song.
death with its sharp sword :: sharp death with its sword
               - - - - -

See death with its sharp sword,
See the keys of the grave;
  See heaven and earth below
  Under the authority of great Jesus.

Up ascended the Redeemer of man,
Through His own valuable blood;
  Bear testimony did Heaven
  To the great worth of His sacrifice.

Sitting is our great Mediator
On the throne of heaven now;
  Representing is the gracious Son,
  All of the believing seed.

The finished work of Jesus is
The redemption of humankind:
  Every report in any language
  Let them sing evermore his vast praise.

                - - - - -

See death with its sharp sword,
See the keys of the grave
  See heaven and earth below,
  Under the authority of great Jesus.

Up ascended the Son of man,
Through his own precious blood;
  Bear witness did heaven,
  To the great worth of his sacrifice.

Sitting is our great Mediator,
On the throne of heaven now;
  Representing is the gracious Son,
  All who believe in his blood.

Cheerful angels came at hand,
They sounded throughout yonder heights;
  "Open now thy portals wide
  To welcome the King of belief."

The redemption of human-kind
Worthy Jesus finished;
  Every utterance in one language,
  They sing evermore his vast praise.
tr. 2016,19 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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