Wele fi yn dyfod

(Genedigaeth Crist)
"Wele fi yn dyfod,"
  Llefai'r Meichiau gwiw;
Atsain creigiau Salem,
  "Dyfod y mae Duw."
Gedy anfeidrol fawredd
  Nef y nef yn awr;
Ar awelon cariad
  Brysia i barthau'r llawr.

Pa ryw fwyn beroriaeth
  Draidd yn awr drwy'r nen?
Pa ryw waredigaeth
  Heddiw ddaeth i ben?
Miloedd o angylion
  Yno'n seinio sydd,
"Ganwyd y Meseia,
  Heddiw daeth y dydd."

Dyma'r Hollalluog
  Heddiw inni'n Frawd;
Dyma holl drysorau
  Duwdod yn y cnawd.
Moroedd rhad drugaredd
  Lanwodd dros y llawr,
Perlau gwlad gogoniant
  Heddiw ddaeth i lawr.
Dyfod y mae Duw :: Wele'n d'od mae Duw
Gedy :: Gâd
Draidd yn awr drwy'r :: Dreiddia drwy y

John Roberts (Ieuan Gwyllt) 1822-77

Tonau [6565D]:
Franconia (Thomas Hastings 1784-1872)
St Mary Magdalene (John Bacchus Dykes 1823-76)

(The Birth of Christ)
"Behold I am coming,"
  Said the worthy Surety;
Echo the rocks of Salem,
  "God is coming."
He leaves immeasurable greatness
  Heaven of heaven now;
On the breezes of love
  He hurries to regions below.

What kind of gentle harmony
  Penetrates now through the sky?
What kind of deliverance
  Today comes to be?
Thousands of angels
  There are resounding,
"Born is the Messiah,
  Today the day has come."

Here is the Almighty
  Today to us as a Brother;
Here are all the treasures
  Of divinity in the flesh.
Free seas of mercy
  Which flooded across the earth,
Pearls of a land of glory
  Today came down.
God is coming :: See God coming

tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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