Wele flaenffrwth y cynhaeaf

(Eithr yn awr Crist a gyfodwyd oddi wrth
y meirw, ac a wnaed yn flan-ffrwyth
y rhai a hunasant. I Cor. 15. 20.)
Wele flaenffrwth y cynhaeaf
  Wedi cyrraedd adre'n awr;
Wele ysgub y cyhwfan,
  Ffrwyth pereiddiaf daear lawr;
Ernes yw i'n ffydd a'n gobaith,
  Gwystl sicr y daw cyn hir
Holl gynhaeaf llafur Iesu
  Adre'n llawn i'r nefol dir.

Paid ag ofni'r bedd nac angau
  Gristion, mae dy Iesu'n fyw;
Ar ei Gnawd a'i Waed ymborthaist,
  Lluniaeth anfarwoldeb yw;
Hûn fydd d'angau, nid marwolaeth,
  Ni fydd d'angau ond ei lun;
Deffry Crist di'r dydd diweddaf
  Ar ei ddelw hardd ei Hun.

Daw anglylion nef y nefoedd
  Yna i lawr yn dyrfa lân,
Gan addoli gwedd y Barnwr,
  Oll o'i gylch fel cwmwl tân;
Oll i'th hebrwng mewn gorfoledd
  Fry drwy'r awyr draw i'r nef,
Lle cei fyth fod
    yn eu cwmni,
  Lle cei fyth
      fod gydag ef.
d'angau :: angau

Morris Williams (Nicander) 1809-74

Tonau [8787D]:
Bavaria (F Mendelsson-Bartholdy 1809-47)
Deerhurst (James Langran 1835-1909)
Hamburg/Zurich (J Schop / F Filitz)

(But now Christ has been raised from
the dead, and made the first-fruit
of those who sleep. I Cor 15:20.)
See the first-fruit of the harvest
  Having arrived home now;
See the sheaf of the waving,
  The sweetest fruit of earth below;
An earnest it is to our faith and our hope,
  A sure pledge that to come before long is
All the harvest of the labour of Jesus
  Home fully to the heavenly land.

Fear thou not the grave nor death
  Christian, thy Jesus is alive;
On his Flesh and his Blood thou hast fed,
  Immortal sustenance they are;
Sleep shall death be, not mortality,
  Thy death shall only be his form;
Christ shall awaken thee on the last day
  In His own beautiful image.

Angels shall come from the heaven of heaven
  Then down as a holy throng,
Worshipping the countenance of the Judge,
  All around him like a cloud of fire;
All to escort him in jubilation
  Up through yonder sky into heaven,
Where thou shalt get forever
    to be in their company,
  Where thou shalt get forever
      to be with him.
thy death :: death

tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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