Wele ganed y Gwaredwr/Meseia
Wele ganwyd y Messeiah/Messļa

(Genedigaeth Crist)
Wele ganwyd y Messļa,
  Cofiwn heddyw am y dydd,
Awn i Bethlem gyda'r doethion,
  Gwelwn ef ā golwg ffydd,
  Wele Dduw yn natur dyn.

Holl blant Seion gorfoleddwn,
  A chydgenwch newydd gān,
Ganwyd i chwi werthfawr Geidwad
  Gwiw a gaed
      drwy'r Ysbryd Glān;
    Cenwch iddo,
  Nes adseinio'r nefoedd faith.

            - - - - -

Wele, ganwyd y Messia,
  Daeth yr hyfryd fore ddydd;
Awn i Fethle'm gyda'r doethion,
  Gwelwn Ef ā golwg ffydd:
  Wele Dduw yn natur dyn!

Wele'r Enw mawr rhyfeddol,
  Wele'r Ior, tragwyddol yw!
Clywch angylion yn clodfori
  Duw yn ddyn a dyn yn Dduw:
  I drueiniaid heddyw ddaeth.

- - - - - 1,2,(3),4.
Wele, ganed y Gwaredwr, Dyma'r hyfryd fore ddydd; Awn i Fethle'm gyda'r Doethion, Gwelwn Ef ā golwg ffydd: Cyd-addolwn, Wele Dduw yn natur dyn! Wele'r Enw mawr Rhyfeddol, Wele'r Ior, tragwyddol yw! Clywch angylion yn clodfori Duw yn ddyn a dyn yn Dduw: T'wysog heddwch, Yn y preseb gwelwyd Ef. Testyn cān yr holl brophwydi, Seren Iacob, Had y Wraig, Silo Iudah, Gwreiddyn Iesse, Yr Hwn a siga ben y ddraig: Iechydwriaeth I drueiniaid drwyddo ddaeth. Holl blant Sļon gorfoleddwch, A chyd-genwch newydd gān; Heddyw ganwyd i chwi Geidwad, 'Rhwn a gaed trwy'r Yspryd Glān: Cenwch iddo, Nes dadseinio'r nefoedd faith.
ganed y Gwaredwr        
        :: ganed y Meseia
        :: ganwyd y Messiah
Dyma'r hyfryd fore :: Daeth yn wir yr hyfryd
- - - - -
Wele ganwyd y Messeiah, Dyma'r hyfryd foreu ddydd; Awn i Bethle'm gyd a'r doethion, I'w ganfod ef a golwg ffydd: Cyd-addolwn, &c. Wele Dduw yn nattur dyn! Wele'r enw mawr rhyfeddol, Wele'r Ior, trag'wyddol yw! Wele angylion yn clodfori Duw yn ddyn, a dyn yn Dduw. T'wysog heddwch, &c. Yn y preseb gwelwch ef. Wele yma y Jehofah Y Messiah, Had y Wraig, Gwreiddyn Iesse, Silo Judah, Yr Hwn a 'siga ben y ddraig; Iachawdwriaeth, &c. Iachawdwriaeth heddyw a ddaeth. Holl blant Sion, gorfoleddwch, A chydgenwch newydd gān; Heddyw ganed i chwi geidwad, Yr hwn a gaed trwy'r Yspryd Glān: Cenwch iddo, &c. Nes dadseinio'r nefoedd faith. Deu'd eich calon gyd a'ch tafod, A'ch myryfdod oll yn un; De'wch i ganfod y rhyfeddod, Gwel'd y Duwdod yn y dyn: Dyma'r nefoedd, &c. Mewn cadachau ar fronnau Mair.
Dafydd Jones 1711-77

Tonau [878747]:
Alleluia Dulce Carmen (Samuel Webbe 1740-1816)
Alma (Samuel Webbe 1740-1816)
Lewes (John Randall 1717-99)
Mariners (alaw Italaidd)
Pisgah (W H Havergal 1793-1870)

gwelir: Peraidd ganodd sźr y bore

(The Birth of Christ)
Behold, the Messiah has been born,
  Today let us remember the day,
Let us go to Bethlehem with the wise men,
  Let us see him with the sight of faith,
    Let us adore together,
  Behold God in the nature of man.

Let us, all the children of Zion, rejoice,
  And sing together a new song,
Born for you is a precious, worthy
  Saviour who was got
      through the Holy Spirit;
    Sing ye to him,
  Until the vast heavens resound.

                  - - - - -

Behold, the Messiah has been born,
  The delightful morn of day came,
Let us go to Bethlehem with the wise men,
  Let us see him with the sight of faith:
    Let us adore together,
  Behold God in the nature of man.

See the great, wonderful Name,
  See the Lord, eternal he is!
Here angels extolling
  God in man and man in God:
  For wretches today came.

- - - - -  
Behold, the Deliverer has been born, Here is the delightful morn of day; Let us go to Bethlehem with the wise men, Let us see him with the sight of faith, Let us adore together, Behold God in the nature of man. Behold the great Name Wonderful, Behold the Lord, eternal is he! Hear angels extolling God in man and man in God: The Prince of Peace, In the manger He is seen. The theme of the song of all the prophets, The star of Jacob, the Seed of the Woman, Shiloh of Judah, the Root of Jesse, He who crushes the dragon's head: Salvation To wretches which through him came. Let us, all the children of Zion, rejoice, And sing together a new song, Born for you is a precious Saviour, The one who was got through the Holy Spirit; Sing ye to him, Until the vast heavens resound.
the Deliverer has been born        
        :: the Messiah has been born
        :: the Messiah has been born
Here is the delightful morn of :: Truly came the delightful
- - - - -
See, the Messiah was born, Here is the delightful morn of day; Let us go to Bethlehem with the wise men, To discover him with the sight of faith: Let us worship together, &c. See God in the nature of man! See the great wonderful name, See the Lord, eternal he is! See angels extolling God as man, and man as God. The Prince of peace, &c. In the manger see ye him. See here the Jehovah, The Messiah, the See of the Woman, The Root of Jesse, the Shiloh of Judah, Him who shall bruise the dragon's head; Salvation, &c. Salvation today that came. All ye children of Zion, rejoice, And sing together a new son; Today is born for you a saviour, He who was got through the Holy Spirit; Sing unto him, &c. Until the vast heavens resound. Let your hearts come with your tongue, And your meditation all as one; Come ye to discover the wonder, To see the Godhead in the man: Here is heaven, &c. In nappies, on the breasts of Mary.
tr. 2015,24 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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