Wele'n dyfod ar gymylau

Lo he comes with clouds descending

Wele'n dyfod ar gymylau
  Farnwr dyn a Brenin nef;
Myrdd myrddiynau sydd o'i Seintiau
  Yn ei amgylchynu ef;
  Iesu a deyrnasa byth.

Dacw'r Barnwr yn ei gerbyd,
  Utgyrn fyrdd yn canu o'i flaen;
Cydymgasgl y meirw cysglyd
  Oll gerbron ei orsedd lān;
  Dyma ddydd gogoniant Crist.

Gorfoledda'r holl ffyddloniaid,
  A'u llawenydd fydd yn llawn;
Dyma'u Prynwr mawr bendigaid,
  A'u Gwaredwr annwyl iawn;
  Byddant mwyach gydag ef.
1 : efel. Psalmau a Hymnau, SPCK, 1856.
2-3: efel. Benjamin Francis 1734-99

Tonau [878747]:
Helmsley (alaw Seisnig)
St Thomas (J F Wade / S Webbe)

See, coming on clouds
  The Judge of man and King of heaven;
A myriad myriads of his saints are
  Surrounding him;
  Jesus shall reign forever.

Yonder is the Judge in his chariot,
  A myriad trumpets singing before him;
The sleepy dead shall gather together
  All before his holy throne;
  Here is the day of Christ's glory.

All the faithful shall be jubilant,
  And their joy shall be full;
Here is their great blessed Redeemer,
  And their very dear Deliverer;
  They shall be evermore with him.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
("Come, ye blessed.")
Lo! He comes on clouds of glory,
  Circled by an angel-throng
Who proclaim His lofty titles
  With their trumpets, loud and long.
  Welcome, welcome, Son of Man!

Thousand thousands, myriad myriads
  Bright attendants on the Lord,
See I rising from corruption,
  At the mighty signal-word:
    Farewell, sadness,
  Full redemption now is come.

"Come, ye faithful servants, enter,
  Blessed children of your God:
Come, receive eternal mansions,
  Purchased for you with my blood!
    Come and welcome,
  Now my love is satisfied."
tr. 1854 Joseph Morris

see also:
Lo he comes with clouds descending
(Charles Wesley 1707-88)

Lo he cometh countless trumpets
(John Cennick 1718-55)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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