Wele'n chwysu'r dafnau gwaedlyd

(Aberth Grist a'i Ffrwythau)
Wele'n chwysu'r dafnau gwaedlyd,
  Ar noswaith rewlyd yn yr ardd, 
Iesu, siriol, Rhosyn Saron,
  O hwn bendithion pawb a dardd:
Ein bara byw, a'n haberth yw,
Dyoddefodd dân digofaint Duw.

Dod gyflawnder y Messiah, 
  I ddod am danaf i'th ŵydd di, 
A chyfiawnder egwyddorol,
  Anian fywiol ynof fi;
O na bawn lestr llawn
O bob nefol ddwyfol ddawn.
Edward Jones 1761-1836

Tôn [8787337]: Nuneaton (<1835)

    Mae cyflawnder maith o haeddiant
    O fy enaid nac anghofia

(The Sacrifice of Christ and its Fruits)
See sweating the bloody drops,
  On an icy evening in the garden,
Jesus, cheerful, Rose of Sharon,
  From him the blessings of all spring:
Our living bread, and our sacrifice he is,
He suffered under the wrath of God.

Set the fullness of the Messiah,
  To bring me before thy face,
With fundamental righteousness,
  A lively nature in me;
O that I may be a vessel full
Of every heavenly, divine gift.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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