Wele'r gogoniant mawr a fedd

Behold the glories of the Lamb

1,2,3,(4,5,6,7,8);  1,2,4,5,6.
(Mawl i'r Oen a laddwyd)
Wele'r gogoniant mawr a fedd
  Yr Oen, ar orsedd nefoedd;
Par'towch i'w enw newydd gân,
  Na cha'dd o'r blaen ei hadrodd.

Boed i'r henuriaid blygu o'i flaen,
  A'r eglwys lân addoli;
A phiolau llawn aroglau pêr,
  A th'lynau'n mwyn bêr foli.

Y rhei'ny yw gweddïau'r saint,
  A'r hymnau maent yn ganu:
Hoff yw ein mawl gan Iesu mwyn,
  A gwrando'n cwyn mae'n garu.

Dragwyddol Dad,
    pwy gaiff heb gêl,
  Edrych i'th ddirgel 'wyllys?
Y Mab a gymer y llyfr cau,
  I ddatgloi'i seliau dyrus.

Dy arfaeth fawr fe a'i cwblhâ,
  Y Mab yn dda a'i haeddai;
Wele'n ei law allweddau'r nef,
  Ac uffern gref ac angeu.

I'r Oen a laddwyd gynt y bo
  Byth deyrnged o fendithion;
Gogoniant, parch, a mawl, Amen,
  Fo ar dy ben fel coron.

Ti brynaist ein henidiau â gwa'd,
  Gan ddwyn rhyddhâd in' felly,
Brenhinoedd, 'ffeiriaid gwnaethost ni,
  Cawn gyd â thi deyrnasu.

Y grasol a'r naturiol fyd
  I'th law i gyd meddiennaist;
Nac oeda'n hir ond tyr'd i lawr,
  A dwg yr awr addewaist.
A phiolau :: A'u phiolau
llawn aroglau :: llawn o 'roglau
A th'lynau :: A'u telynau
Y rhei'ny yw :: Mewn cof y mae
ein mawl :: eu mawl
gwrando'n cwyn :: gwrando'u cwyn
Dragwyddol :: Trag'wyddol

cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Hymnau a Chaniadau Ysprydol 1794

Mesur: MS 8787

(Praise to the Lamb who was killed)
See the great glory which belongs to
  The Lamb, on the throne of heaven;
Prepare for his name a new song,
  That not before were announced.

Let the elders bow before him,
  And the holy church worship;
With phials full of sweet perfumes,
  And with gentle harps sweetly praise.

And those are the prayers of the saints,
  And the hymns they are singing:
Gentle Jesus is fond of our praise,
  And he loves to listen to our complaint.

Eternal Father,
    who will get, without concealment,
  To look into thy secret will?
The Son shall take the locked closed,
  To unlock its knotty seal.

Thy great purpose he shall fulfill,
  The Son who is good merits it;
See in his hand the keys of heaven,
  And strong hell and death.

To the Lamb who once was killed be
  Forever the tribute of blessings;
Glory, honour, and praise, Amen,
  Be on thy head like a crown.

Thou didst purchase our souls with blood,
  Thus bringing freedom to us,
Kings, priests thou madest us,
  We shall get with thee to reign.

The gracious and the natural world
  Into thy hand together thou didst possess;
Do not delay, but come down,
  And bring the hour thou didst promise.
With phials :: With their phials
And with gentle harps :: With their gentle harps
Those are :: In memory are
our praise :: their praise
listen to our complaint :: listen to their complaint

tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

(Rev 5:6,7,8,10,12)
Behold the glories of the Lamb
  Amidst His Father's throne.
Prepare new honours for His name,
  And songs before unknown.

Let elders worship at His feet,
  The Church adore around,
With vials full of odours sweet,
  And harps of sweeter sound.

Those are the prayers of the saints,
  And these the hymns they raise;
Jesus is kind to our complaints,
  He loves to hear our praise.

Eternal Father,
    who shall look
  Into Thy secret will?
Who but the Son should take that Book
  And open every seal?

He shall fulfill Thy great decrees,
  The Son deserves it well;
Lo, in His hand the sovereign keys
  Of Heav'n, and death, and hell!

Now to the Lamb that once was slain
  Be endless blessings paid;
Salvation, glory, joy remain
  Forever on Thy head.

Thou hast redeemed our souls with blood,
  Hast set the prisoner free;
Hast made us kings and priests to God,
  And we shall reign with Thee.

The worlds of nature and of grace
  Are put beneath Thy power;
Then shorten these delaying days,
  And bring the promised hour.

Isaac Watts 1674-1748

Tunes [CM 8686]:
Martyrdom (Hugh Wilson 1766-1824)
St Martin (William Tans'ur 1700-83)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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