Wele'r dydd ofnadwy'n d'od ar frys

Wele'r dydd ofnadwy'n d'od ar frys,
I gasglu'r ŷd a llosgi'r ūs;
  Didoli rhwng y drwg a'r da
  Y Barnwr mawr yn fuan wna:
Cynhauaf sydd ar fyr gerllaw,
Gwynfyd i'r da,
    i'r anwir braw!

Gwel yn fyrdd gerubiaid glan
A'r holl uchelder maith ar dān,
  Gwel yna'r hardd gwmpeini sy'
  Welygordd gwych i'r Iesu cu:
Angylion, seintiau oll yn un
Yn moli'n gyson y Duw-dyn.

Ysgydwir nef a dae'r pryd hyn,
Bydd galar mawr
    dros fro a bryn,
  A nerthol lef arch-angel Duw,
  A g'od y merw
      o'i beddau'n fyw;
Diwedd yr oesodd ddaeth i ben,
Can weled draw yr orsedd wen.

Gwel Faban Bethlem, yna 'nawr,
Yn d'od i farnu nef a llawr,
  Agorir llyfrau ger ei fron,
  Dychryna'r drwg -
      a'r saint yn llon;
O beth fydd dedryd f'enaid i
Pan delo o flaen y Barnwr cu!

Lluoedd aneiri' wela' i'n d'od,
O'i beddau i ddangos uwch y rhōd;
  Holl genedlaethau maith y byd;
  Ond ow! amrywiol iawn eu bryd!
Ust! Pawb!
    cyhoedder gosteg syn,
Gwrandewch y Barnwr mawr pryd hyn!

"Dewch chwi dduwiolion, blant fy Nhad,
Meddienwch 'nawr y deyrnas rad,
  Ond g'lynion fy orseddfaingc lān,
  O'm gwydd, ewch
      i'r trag'wyddol dān:"
Cydwybod llym a eglurha
Pwy yw'r drygionus, pwy yw'r da.

O pwy all' ddirnad 'nawr pa faint,
Fydd cosp yr anwir,
    fael y saint?
  Byth syndod maith
      trwy uffern ddu
  A newydd gān
      trwy'r nefoedd fry,
Yn y gān gu boed cyfran llon
I'm henaid i byth ger dy fron.
Diferion y Cyssegr 1804

[Mesur: 88.88.88]

See the terrible day coming quickly,
To gather the corn and burn the chaff;
  Separate the bad from the good
  The great Judge soon shall:
The harvest which is shortly at hand,
Blessednedd for the good,
    to the false terror!

See in myriads holy cherubim
And all the vast height on fire,
  See there the beautiful company who are
  A brilliant retinue for the dear Jesus:
Angels, saints, all as one
Praising constantly the God-man.

Heaven and earth will be shaken then,
There shall be great lamentation
    over vale and hill,
  With the strong cry of God's archangel,
  And the dead shall rise
      from their graves alive;
The end of the ages shall come to pass,
We may see yonder the white throne.

See the Baby of Bethlehem, there now,
Coming to judge heaven and earth,
  Books are opened before him,
  The evil are terrified -
      and the saints cheerful;
O what shall be my soul's sentence
When it comes before the dear Judge?

Unnumbered hosts I see coming,
From their graves to appear above the sky;
  All the vast nations of the world;
  But oh, so very varied their appearance!
Hush, everyone!
    a stunning silence is announced,
Listen to the great Judge at this time!

"Come ye godly, the children of my Father,
Possess ye now the gracious kingdom,
  But the enemies of my holy throne,
  Out of my sight, go ye
      to the eternal fire:"
A sharp conscience shall make clear
Who are the wicked, who are the good.

O who can grasp now how great
Shall be the punishment of the untrue, 
    the benefit of the saints?
  Forever a great surprise
      throughout black hell
  And a new song
      throughout the heavens above,
In the dear song may a cheerful portion be
To my soul forever before thee.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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